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Messages - PunisheR007

Quote from: BetaSpectre on July 24, 2014, 04:37:53 PM
Thanks PunisheR007 this mod is one of my favs.

Cheers BetaSpectre :).
New version up, with some changes and colonist training removed and put in it's own mod, which i will release very shortly.
That mod will be called, Enhanced Colonists.
Sorry i havn't posted the update yet people's, just been a little busy.
I have almost finished making some changes and seperating the now called "Enhanced Colonists" (training).
The artillery is now less accurate, and has a much larger explosion radius, the howitzer is a little more accurate and has had it's explosion radius increased also, no where near as large as arty though, both had there damage increased.
costs have changed a little, more shells for both to build, howitzer is 50 shells, and artillery is 35 shells now.
Metal has been reduced for artillery and howitzer.
88mm howitzer and 150mm artillery are the new names.
Now that this is almost done and released, i will work on a new flak style cannon that has burst fire, should be pretty nasty.

Quote from: BetaSpectre on July 24, 2014, 01:37:34 AM
Is it all right if you make a separate file with only the accurate howitzer?

I feel like if this mod touches my colonists too much then there will be a mod conflict, and TBH I'm not really interested in colonist tweaks.

I've still got the OP Cannons that disintegrate everything it touches. If you ask me the cannons should require less metal and more shells xD.

I don't really care that much if the cannons don't do lots of damage compared to their accuracy (even less than Mortar is fine with me). But if they can't hit the side of a barn I expect them to vaporize the competition so to speak xD.

Thanks for reading.

The damage does need to be raised for sure, i was trying to see if i could get more incaps and less deleting of bodies lol.
I do agree that the artillery is too accurate, im going to be updating this later tonight, plus i will be moving the colonist training into a seperate mod, so it won't conflict with any other mods. I can do that, make a seperate mod with just the howitzer if you like.
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 4) Cannibal (v.1.0)
July 23, 2014, 08:57:39 PM
Quote from: muffins on July 23, 2014, 01:25:30 PM

DOESN'T WORK with stackable meals.

Stackable meals is for vanilla meals only, thats why it does't work with this mod :)
Quote from: Gabriel_Braun on July 23, 2014, 03:50:06 AM
Dude my own way of playing with your mod has the damage radius on 5 and the damage tripled but with:

the artillery plays without being unbalanced and you have no choice but keep it offline in case a threat generates near the base lol
Nice lol.
Quote from: 123nick on July 22, 2014, 06:55:51 PM
so this also includes the turret package mod? because i have both downloaded and activated, but i dont see any of the new turrets. what are the new turrets anyway? not including howitzer or artillery

The turrets that come from Kilroy's turret package 1.4, Improvised, heavy, incendiary, energy and sniper turret.
all turrets and cannons need research to be able to build them. I'll be making my OP a bit more informative.
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 5C) Knockouts v1.0
July 20, 2014, 02:24:02 AM
Quote from: BetaSpectre on July 20, 2014, 02:11:38 AM
This conflicts with the colonist mod anyway for a compatibility mod xD?

There certainly would be, but im not the one todo it lol.
Argain could cetainly add this to his colonist creation mod, no problems with me letting it go there, but i would still keep the seperate one going.
For the vanilla users who still want that extra chance to incap colonist or raiders with melee, with modding anything else.
New version is up, with double the starting resources and stacks have a chance to be 75.
Plus 2 extra weapons for your next 2 colonist :).
I had recently made the artillery more accurate, i'll be changing it so it's less accurate on the next update which isn't to far away :), since it does fire faster than the vanilla mortars. I'll try make it mid range accurate, somewhere between the howitzer cannon and the vanilla mortar. Or maybe i might make a new faster firing flak cannon with low damage and low accuracy, that would be a nice addition.
I had to make a race for the colonist and slaves, The race i made was called colonist.
I had todo this in order so the enemy didn't get the training. lol
(Only the first 3 colonist and slaves that you buy from slave traders that will be the colonist race.)
Cheers :)
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 5C) Embrasures v2.0.0
July 18, 2014, 12:38:05 AM
I just noticed the metal embrasures aren't conducting power, the stone embrasure won't have power, but all the others should.
I just fixed it up, so metal embrasures should conduct power now, and i tweaked a few settings, so they should feel like there blocking more bullets.
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 5C) Embrasures v2.0.0
July 13, 2014, 08:37:58 AM
Quote from: jaxxa on July 13, 2014, 05:01:31 AM
Funny you should mention that, I have been thinking about modding in a one way shield wall.

That would be awesome, i have been tweaking around with a few settings,
and have made them as good as they can get. I'll make an update very soon. :)
Tools / Re: [TOOL] RW SaveEditor (v.0.6/Alpha 3)
July 09, 2014, 10:31:18 PM
Quote from: keensta on July 09, 2014, 06:56:40 AM
Quote from: rdz1122 on July 07, 2014, 12:07:44 PM
Alpha 5; your editor actually still allows editing stockpile quantities, and adding steam geysers, but nothing else.  I really liked the ability to quickly edit colonists; I can do it through using Notepad, even adding colonists from other saves, editing weapons, etc., but it is much more tedious, and sometimes creates errors.

If you have anything where we can donate to support to help with keeping current, message me so I can do whatever.

Thanks for the great editor.

Hi, thanks for the kinds words also I appreciate the offer of donations but I need no support and don't accept money for public work I see it as a hobby and to be given money for it is great but that could be spent on better things others then me :).

As for a alpha 5 update I can't give a deadline I unfortantly have to leave my pc at my old address (parent house) and unsure when I'll be getting it back hopefully next week some time but untill then I can't push a update for this editor I do have a updated version on the pc that works for alpha 4 which should work for 5 to . But unfortantly I never pushed it to GitHub :(..

I'll try my hardest to do it asap.

Be easier if you used dropbox or mediafire, no need to wait for anything or anyone to ok your mod. :)