Pawns Are too Old

Started by BasileusMaximos, November 10, 2018, 06:55:00 AM

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In my opinion, the average age of the pawns you find on Rimworld is too high for the pre-Industrial setting it takes place in. Most of the pawns I encounter either through raids or events are in their 40s or 50s. I'm guessing this is to offset the high-stats a lot of them have, but I would rather the opposite be true; most pawns are young (mid 20s) and have pretty poor stats except in what their backround is.


Just use the scenario editor.


Everyone lives up to 80 until the minute they join the player colony. Then their life expectancy drops to about 2 years.


Life expectancy improves dramatically with robot arms and the red devil! :P


I'm seconding this, maybe have age distribution depend on invasion type? Such as tribal raiders having a much lower and tighter age range than industrial/spacer raiders.