[MOD](Alpha 9) Horrors - Update 2

Started by Viceroy, February 11, 2015, 12:43:00 PM

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hey not sure if anyone else noticed this but spitter spine go through walls

i do love your mod it just needs to be balaanced


id be okay with like over walls but one of my people was inside a stone room with door locked and the still shot him

also i dont think it matters if they take out a few allies that would help my fps a bit considering it is going 3 frames a second due to over 200 worm attacking plus 3 spitters and 7 vicerals oh by the way its my second in game week


Quote from: tresflores on March 07, 2015, 06:47:02 PM
id be okay with like over walls but one of my people was inside a stone room with door locked and the still shot him

also i dont think it matters if they take out a few allies that would help my fps a bit considering it is going 3 frames a second due to over 200 worm attacking plus 3 spitters and 7 vicerals oh by the way its my second in game week

That means you incurred a 1150 point raid on week two. Did you dig up a bunch of gold by any chance?

Regarding spitters, you'll be happy to know that I will switch them back to not shooting over obstacles (since worms aren't going to stay attackers). I'll balance it out a lot more but I am incredibly busy just getting the Horrors to have all the behaviours I want in them.

Thanks for the input. And performance is indeed a big (if not MASSIVE consideration at the moment when it comes to the Horrors. Likely in the future the worm populations will be somewhat less troublesome.

The reasoning behind having Spitters spit over things (as mortars do) was to keep them from setting hundreds upon hundreds of worms on fire in one go. But since worms won't be clumping together like that in the future it'll change.

Also in the first iteration the worms were envisioned as the 'mind worms' from alpha centauri. But it became apparent that they are not formidable enemies and did not spread out like I'd want.

Also the spitter initially came in as a siege unit in order to give the horrors a chance when attacking heavily fortified positions. This too will change somewhat and they will have more of a secondary roll as defender of the Horrors rather than outright attacking. They will also be upped to more appropriate point costs as per the feedback I have received on them.

Viscerals I am happy with, I'll probably nerf them somewhat, not health-wise as much as armour-wise.

The worms will be made stronger and have more health so that I can drop their numbers. Having say 1-2 worms for every 10 you'd regularly incur. The AI they use will also be less intensive than standard combat AI they currently use. (smaller target search ranges, lowered target update frequency. etc. etc.)

Another point I'd like to address is the composition of troops when the Horrors attack. This has never been ideal and chances are in the future I'll migrate it over to an *incident* rather than an automatic *raid*. Or at least migrating some of the attacks to events and still keeping visceral attacks and stuff like that as regular raid.

So to close up my post. I am working feverishly on the mod, but it is insanely complex at this time and not yet in a (fully) playable form. The scope of the mod is quite grand behind the scenes and to be totally honest the Horrors as they are now is very far from where I want them to be. There are still bugs and hitches and lapses in behaviour at present I need to fix before uploading again.

Kindest regards and thank you all for the kind criticisms and words of concern. I have noted it and these things will change and be addressed. As always keep it cool guys and gals.
Dog goes moo!


i do love your work with the vicerals they kinda remind me of those creatures from pitch black
and i was actually wanting you too buff them and nerf spitters and you can alway buff the spitters to get rid of the same problem like make them an actual artillery unit , increased range


Thanks so much dude and/or dudette for the feedback and saying you love my work. I am really thinking about perhaps going into the full arty direction with spitters. Making them worse at close quarters but potentially somewhat more damaging to buildings.

I gotta work out some performance bogs in some of the AI they use, not too much work left but I might take some time doing it...

Sorry that I haven't been around so much lately. I got a new job yesterday (11th) and I am working my ass off to make a good impression. I hardly have any time for my hobbies lately. At least my weekend is totally open so I am planning on getting some serious coding in.

As always, keep it frigidly cool cadets.
Dog goes moo!



hey mate i love the mode, but one thing that bothers me, my colony is 5 years old now, playing the epocalypse compilation, and i had my fair share of these sons of a guns, so in 5 years i have acumulated about 1000 of each skin of those things, been cuting them up from day 1, only the bulwark skins are around 200, so i thought hell yeah ill make clothing for my colonists from it that would be awesome cant make it for all yet (have 12 of them) but then i realized the skins are, well dont take it the wrong way, shitty, they give almost no stats when turned into clothing, i think they should be buffed, if i acumulated like enough skin for clothes to fully equip barelly 5 people after 5 years they should be atleast worth something. they dont need to be strong like hyperwave but atlest close or even equal to devilstrand, i mean they come along and i sweat my ass off to kill them, and i have nothing from them, and they are tough to kill but then their skin is crap, you get my point. i know raiders drop them too but they drop devilstrand clothes too. please consider it. nevertheless great mod was a real challenge for a change, like it!

edit: nevermind i see it now its not doable, cause horrors must have hasleather and it cant be changed it seems hard coded, too bad :(


Cool dude thanks for the feedback on balancing the leathers. Yeah I have next to no experience using the different fibres in-game and their properties. So I had no real idea what parameters to consider.

I can adjust the properties of the leathers to some extent so I'll see what I can glean from devilstrand's properties to get a comparison going.

Also are bulwarks attacking you? Because they aren't quite supposed to be in yet lol.
Dog goes moo!


I had a couple of Bulkwarks spawn form a crashed ship part...each gave me around 1650 meat >.<


bulwarks? idk, i get some of those small worm things, a bunch of those things that look like zerglings and like 20 of those big ass mother...... that shoot through thin roofs and walls like with weapons like mortars, (dont ask how i deal with them, well ok ill tell you but then you will fix them :( sob. so when they come for me, mostly half of them stay behind a wall near my colony so i just wait them out and they die of starvation idk why they tend to do those things, the half that comes through suprisingly cant shoot through overhead mountain, so they not so hard to kill cause i take my guys inside the overhead mountain and fight them from there, the ones that do give problems are theones that shoot like miniguns, dont get me wrong, they are still hard to kill, they have incredible range, so i need big sniper squads) thats all. but i think there are no bulwarks, the skin i got was probably, no, definetly, from those cluster of cargo pods wreckages events.


hey i just had an idea if you could make it so when you butcher like the vicerals we get bones or somthing as well as meat and leather . so us players can make weapons out of them