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RimWorld => Mods => Topic started by: Kirby23590 on February 18, 2019, 10:23:49 PM

Title: [MOD REQUEST] Wave Surival Mode
Post by: Kirby23590 on February 18, 2019, 10:23:49 PM
Does anyone remember this Mod  ( Wave Survival  ( from the old days?
It's still in A14 and wasn't updated for any of the newer versions of Rimworld and Justin C the author of that mod hasn't been online for a few years.

The Mod looks a lot of fun, but i'm in the 1.0 version and most of the mods i want use it with are only for 1.0 or aren't in A14 even going back into it's time.

I really like the idea of instead of trying to manage a colony and deal with disasters and mental breakdowns of your colonists and diseases because of Randy Random.

Instead i want to fight and fend off raids instead, trying to test out my tactical skills and using thinking skills and my knowledge of the battlefield and focusing on defenses and knowing how long i will survive before the heavy mercenaries with doomsday launchers or when will the mechanoids arrive, and getting better equipment or weapons without dealing the problems of psychic drones, solar flares or toxic fallouts or even trying to escape the rims.
Instead you're just fighting off Raiders, Mechanoids and Manhunting Animals instead, and if your colony dies, you will know that you tried to make your colony to survive as long as you can for many days and because you fought hard taking many raiders lives and mechanoids with your colony as it goes down...

Is there any mod like that for Rimworld v1.0? I really miss these types of Game Modes. :(
Title: Re: [MOD REQUEST] Wave Surival Mode
Post by: Trentennisfigati on February 19, 2019, 04:06:10 AM
I don't remember the mod, but I like this idea
Title: Re: [MOD REQUEST] Wave Surival Mode
Post by: Kirby23590 on February 27, 2019, 09:15:11 PM
It's from A14 and is very old made by someone who was legendary back in those days before rimworld jumped into steam early access and when he disappeared...

Heres what it plays like ( from this youtube video 4 years ago...
Title: Re: [MOD REQUEST] Wave Surival Mode
Post by: Kirby23590 on March 02, 2019, 01:39:24 PM
Well of course i'm interested...

I hope some people out there are the same here, since i'm interested in combat or using tactics against raiders too see how long i will survive before they take me out... :D
Title: Re: [MOD REQUEST] Wave Surival Mode
Post by: AcetheSuperVillain on March 03, 2019, 10:34:23 AM
I think the Ni'hal story teller exclusively gives you raids, or at least well over 90% of events will be raids.  It's pretty brutal.  I think the expectation is that you're playing Ni'hal story teller with a Ni'hal colony, as they tend to start with space-man guns and armor. 
Title: Re: [MOD REQUEST] Wave Surival Mode
Post by: Canute on March 03, 2019, 11:05:58 AM
It isn't about the raids only.
You can add at the scenario repeating raids too.
The mod drop you resources and food too, so you basicly focus on your base/defence and don't need to harvest/mine or not at the quantity like usual.
And add a timer for the next wave.

Title: Re: [MOD REQUEST] Wave Surival Mode
Post by: Kirby23590 on March 03, 2019, 08:19:04 PM

While compared to that...

Using the scenario editor it would exclude some stuff like the special raids where it will be manhunter packs or animal psychic waves making it impossible for just not just be raids. And most of the resource drops will be free resources and not free weapons, and the part being time consuming where the resource drops will be random...

And it's still affected by colony wealth than how many waves or days you have survived, affecting raid sizes and raider types...

I rather have a mod that removes raids affected by colony wealth and only affected by how much days how have survived or raids you have fought...
Title: Re: [MOD REQUEST] Wave Surival Mode
Post by: AcetheSuperVillain on March 03, 2019, 11:44:00 PM
It does sound like a cool idea.  Having not played the original, I'm daydreaming about ways it might be implemented.

I feel like maybe some kind of story-teller could get pretty close by alternating raids and drop pod events.  I don't actually know how much fine control you can get with storytellers.  That wouldn't inherently have a timer for raids though. 

In the same vein of using the existing RimWorld events, maybe the raiders drop a lot of silver or sell-able merchandise, and a steady stream of traders arrive to provide you with food, guns and slaves between raids.  Although for guns, I also find it fun to take guns from raiders, like I can defeat someone with a better gun through sneakery, and then I've got a gun that lets me get into more dangerous scenarios.  Armor would be trickier because of taintedness, but there are mods that remove taint from armor, so that could balance the scales if you want.  For getting money from raiders, maybe each raider could carry some item like a dog tag or a good luck charm that can't be tainted, and you can sell them to traders after battle.  More difficult enemies could carry more valuable charms.  But if you use traders, you still need to have a Social pawn to get a decent price.  Maybe that would be interesting to some people, do you sacrifice a fighter to bring along a better negotiator?, do you have to protect your negotiator in battle?, but it seems to me like that wouldn't be quite in the spirit of things, so maybe you could mod it so that all shops are always the same price or so that everybody always has the same social score.  I've definitely seen mods with items that increase your social impact, that might be interesting if it's the only way to affect prices. 

Maybe you could provide the player with some sort of machine like the Infinite Chem Reactor that automatically provides you with food at intervals, or maybe a friendly insect hive, or maybe a genetically engineered super muffalo that provides milk at an astonishing rate.  For that kind of thing, you'd have the strategic impetus to defend your food source from raiders, especially if it's the only viable food source you'll ever get in Wave Survival Mode.  It would basically be like those defense games where you instantly lose if your main camp or the core gets destroyed by enemies, except this way, you could still theoretically scrape by for a bit more time.  If it's the super muffalo though, you could get replacements through the "animals join" event, or maybe get more as you get more people.