Arbitrary rules are fun: a lightly modded alpha 8 let's play (clean)

Started by kic, February 04, 2015, 05:22:56 PM

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(Up-to-date playlist of all videos in the series.)

Hi folks. I started a new series earlier this week and thought I'd share the first couple of videos. I'll be updating as new videos are made available, though I only update every 2 episodes so not to be constantly bumping).

What sort of arbitrary rules am I playing with? Well, it's a cannibal-only colony. I know cannibals seem to be the "in thing" right now, but I can only claim ignorance, sickness, and software that hasn't been playing nice and resulted in me doing this weeks after I intended. ;) However, I may be doing it differently than some...

So yes, cannibals-only. If a pawn doesn't have the cannibal trait, they're not allowed. Period. The end. That means there's a decent chance it'll be a three person colony until they all die, but that's part of the fun. Also, we're respectable cannibals, so we aren't attacking everyone to eat them (enough people seem to die at the door, either with our help or without).

Hope you enjoy. I do my best to be active in comments and in the forums/communities of the games I'm playing, so I hope to see you around.

Fine young cannibals || Rimworld alpha 8 #1

Fresh meat || Rimworld alpha 8 #2


Good eve. A couple more episodes are now posted. I have a feeling alpha 9 will be out before this series is finished, but don't worry--I'll see it through to the (inevitable) bitter end. :D


Idiots. Surrounded by idiots. || Rimworld alpha 8 #3

Don't shoot the Nose! || Rimworld alpha 8 #4


So a couple more episodes are now up. The first continues (in a way) the fun with the Nose, while episode 6 brings the first real potential threat to the colony.

"The Nose blows _________." || Rimworld alpha 8 #5 (clean; 60 FPS)

Mechs R Us || Rimworld alpha 8 #6 (clean; 60 FPS)


More episodes up, and because I've been busy, I'm only now getting to this. Sheesh. Someone needs to waggle their finger at me. Maybe I'll go find a mirror...

Cracked "Nose" || Rimworld alpha 8 || #11 (clean; 60 FPS)

If you're done burning... || Rimworld alpha 8 || #12 (clean; 60 FPS)