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Messages - Broken Reality

General Discussion / Times events happen causes issues.
February 22, 2019, 12:20:41 AM
Many events it seems happen at night. Blight always happens when my colonists want to sleep, same with cold snaps, this means you either have to micro every plant by queueing them to be cut or you lose your entire crop (especially with cold snaps as plants die breaking the queue). Now events happening at night sometimes is ok but it is every time for these events.

This all makes these events extra annoying. Rather than making them a challenge this just makes them tedious and frustrating.
Well you should have a good idea of what the river will be like before you settle the map just from looking at it's path on the world map. Settle vertical or horizontal river maps for more luck with placement spots.
Quote from: Tynan on August 22, 2018, 07:56:06 PM
If you remove the floors you'll end up with a bunch of resources, which is wealth. The amount of counted wealth should remain the same or increase IIRC. Feel free to do this in your play, but I think it's not a useful strategy given the tiny return and significant labor investment in the early game. Willing to be shown wrong, but it's a pretty small deal either way.

New build is going up! Mostly bug fixes.

On tribal starts I regularly defloor and wall the map and use the materials to build my starting base rather than build out of wood. In the end I feel it is better to have the wealth be used for something than just scattered around the map doing nothing for me. Why make 5k worth of bricks when there is that amount on the map already, it may only be a small reduction in gained wealth but keeping expectations as low as possible at the start is important.
Quote from: Golden on August 21, 2018, 09:45:51 AM
I do understand that.  However, why then is there a "claim" tool in the game if it has no use.  That should be what tells the AI about the floors and walls, that "I" own them, or maybe additionally if they are included in home areas that should inform the AI.  If I pave my colony in gold or silver, then those walls and floors are INSIDE my colony and "I" created them and of course the AI should count that.

Also, if they have never been discovered and are still covered by fog-of-war then they shouldn't be counted, as happens with the ancient dangers and places buried in mountains and large hills, or even out in the open if they don't have a break in the walls.

The only use the claim tool has now is claiming turrets and doors etc on event maps. Otherwise yeah it is pretty useless.
Quote from: Rei-No on August 13, 2018, 11:48:52 PM
you can order it to shoot all you want the game says they are to close. and they used to just drop there weapon  in the wtX days..

You can use the gun as a melee weapon, they have stats listed for it on the weapon.
General Discussion / Re: Getting a handle on meat
August 16, 2018, 02:02:15 PM
What this thread seems to boil down to is a group of people discussing ways to make things harder, take longer and be more frustrating. People are also not thinking about the whole game or even the biomes that their suggestions to nerf hunting and remove all meat from manhunter packs to make farming needed for meat and leather will effect.

They so far haven't thought about what you are to do for food early game when your meals run out and your rice has yet to grow enough on a desert or other low forage map. Are we supposed to now just not play those maps?

Had a problem and lost your food supply and no crops ready to harvest (raid, fire, loss of power) well that's GG if hunting isn't a thing. Caravanning running low on food, want to stop to hunt so you can make it? Well some of these folks think you should get less food or very little.

Can manhunter packs bring in a lot of meat and leather? Yes. But it is the last combat event that has any form of risk/reward tied to it. Normal raids your reward is a slim chance to have someone live to recruit and then you get penalised by having to bury/burn corpses and the resulting mood debuffs for corpses, late game you also get a ton of mostly useless wealth generating weapons that just increase the next raids size for you. Mech raids now give far less materials on disassembly so their risk / reward is far worse now. Manhunter packs you can choose to ignore but if you do fight them you can get rewarded with meat and leather for your risk. Don#t want the increased wealth from taking those? Don't kill them. Wealth control being a larger concern now with how expectations and raid scaling is now.
Quote from: xion1088 on August 16, 2018, 09:51:53 AM
If it's not a bug then it makes no sense to have Building Wealth already high when you haven't even landed, even on Naked Brutality starts.

Not seen it as a bug but it happened after floors got added to the wealth calculation and the game now considers all revealed floors on a map yours. This bumps your wealth up. On crash landed and tribal starts I had just shy of 14k wealth on start so no more extremely low expectations as that stops at 10k so that's a 6 mood penalty from this change.
Quote from: username2 on August 16, 2018, 05:43:03 AM
Tribal, merciless, temperate forest, 40 days in.

Building speed feels way too fast for me with wood, steel.
I feel like I was able to achieve way too much with 40 days in merciless.

Also way too much steel around, and steel gets mined super fast. I had standing reserve of 1000+ 2 weeks into game.

Food gathering speed is also bit too fast, I have tons of food and my cook is mostly wandering around even though he's feeding 5 people + 3 animals.

Crafting needs some love already, 1 skill for many different activities, still not enough useful shit to craft.

If colonists cared more about what they wore at each point ("this armor is heavy - 8" / "I need a hat -6" / "wearing nice shirt +2", "wearing shitty pants -3"), had affinity for certain weapons ("I prefer using bows -5/+5"), etc, would probably make the whole crafting game much more relevant and help make the mood game less extreme

Animals follow into building when door hugging, massive difference, boom animals fucking scary now.

Muffalos self tamed after I got first quest in tribal, not sure if intentional, but I finally did first caravan runs and that felt great!

If that could be constant that getting quests add some chance for muffaloes to self tame would be awesome.

At same time my quests are giving me rewards that are far beyond tribal level. I would prefer to be given relevant rewards or at least not be able to do a power claw surgery on day 20 as a tribal.

Maybe random thought, but why does patchleather exist if we dont need to convert all leather to it before creating clothes? is it not meant as another (correct imo) step before crafting clothes?

I find that with tribals I need 2 research benches to make decent progress, and at the same time there's still not enough for my tribe to do in between discoveries. Having animal handling be worth while, or having to actively sustain def options like fire wall / oil wall, water moat with ammunition that needs to be continually created would fill that gap of things to do.

You had a big stock of steel cause you kept mining you don't have to mine everything right away.

Crafting seems fine and definitely no -8 mood or any negative mood for wearing required gear such as armour. This won't make crafting more relevant just make armour less worthwhile and increase break risk. Colonists already have lower mood than in B18 due to changes in expectations and wealth.

Patch leather is there so you can turn the small amounts of crappy leather from birds, dogs or other small yield animals in to something somewhat useful if actually not something you would make clothes out of except if you had no other options.

I play tribal start alot and I have no clue why your colonists have so little to do. No need for more busy work.
General Discussion / Re: Claustrophobia
August 11, 2018, 11:27:35 AM
Just manually draft your colonists and have them stand outside till the debuf goes.

If you are going to disable infestations you may as well disable raids on a mountain map.
Quote from: Razzoriel on August 10, 2018, 12:19:10 PM
Is anyone having a lot of corrupted saves? This is the third save I have corrupted because of shenanigans. Makes Commitment Mode kind of moot.

Not so far in 1.0 but save corruption is why I don't use commitment mode. Are you using any mods? Or running a colony over several patches? Both could be the cause of it.
Storyteller: Cassandra
Difficulty: Rough
Biome/hilliness: Temperate forest, large hills, year round growing
Commitment mode: Nope (save file corruption ruins this)
Current colony age (days):  128
Hours played in the last 2 days: 7 ish (less than i have been feeling unmotivated to test)
Complete mod list: Hugs Lib, Rim Fridge, EDB prepare carefully (just to save colonist groups incase I hate the map and don't want to spend time finding new colonists I like), additional lights, numbers (the info I want and need and I can choose what info it shows)

Started as crashlanded to try out deep drilling. 10 gold, 7 plasteel feels really low and honestly not worth the effort. Apart from trading or long range scanners how are we to get enough plasteel and gold to make enough bionics to cope with all the limb and organ loss / scars. I already need 3 eyes, 2 legs and a spine and I have yet to research fabrication and advanced fab let alone bionics.

Issues/possible bugs. I decided to breed a tortoise army (no real reason I just wanted one). I tamed all the tortoises that showed up and now I have 7. After a time some eggs get laid and I had forgotten to remove fertilised eggs from my freezer stockpile and thus they were ruined. Determined to not have this happen again I set a stockpile for the eggs in the animal barn and removed them from the freezer. Next set of eggs get laid and the 2 piles of eggs are now combined in my stockpile and the 3 new eggs are now counted as ruined by temperature. The old ruined eggs spread their ruination to the new totally fine eggs so now I had 6 ruined by temperature eggs.

This issue may also explain how sometimes food poisoning seems endless even if your kitchen area is spotless. All it takes is a raid or food poisoning basically anything to make the kitchen dirty and your cook makes some meals before you clean it. Now any stack of food those high food poison chance meals get added to are now tainted. So once you clean the kitchen and cook some more all you do is add good meals to tainted piles of meals. The only option is to stop cooking till all prepared meals are used up and then start from scratch otherwise you will just get continuous bouts of food poisoning.

On another thing about food poisoning is that raw food does not have a food poisoning chance of 2% from what i have seen it is 2% per item of food so if your colonist eats 16 berries for a meal it is something like a 27% chance they will get food poisoning. This would be fine for meat, a tad ridiculous for things like rice and corn and berries are supposed to be the safe starter food if you don't have a cook ( and especially so for tribal as they don't have nutrient paste dispensers). This also makes naked brutality much harder as you have to have a cook or you will spend most of your time vomiting. At least food poisoning no longer incapacitates colonists when it hits major.

It would be really nice if this either did not happen or if we had some way to remove or check if things are tainted by bad food. Eggs should not get ruined because a bad egg gets stacked with them.

I decided to try out a new wind turbine defense. Essentially you surround the turbine with doors and walls, 14 doors and 8 walls (4 walls if you skip the corners). This means that raiders have to destroy the doors to damage the turbine and your stray shots (or them using the turbines for cover) do not damage the turbines. (doors do not obstruct wind turbines). Now this may well end up getting nerfed however it does require rather a large amount of materials (390 stone for 14 doors and 8 walls) per turbine. Overall probably not worth the effort but something i wanted to try.

Gifting rate seems to be reduced or at least that's how it seemed as the first visitor didn't decide to leave me a gift but the first trader did and nothing else since. I got 6 blue meds which seems far more reasonable than 11 glitterworld like I have got in the past. Still not a fan of feeling patronised by random traders and visitors to my colony as I've never felt like I was doing poorly certainly not enough to warrant random gifts, being gifted an amount equivalent to what I just paid a trader for advanced components. Hopefully gifting has been reduced and it isn't just random that this colony didn't get the same level of gifting as the past two I made.

Overall so far this colony not sure now I am going to get the gold and plasteel I need. I have no artist so my only options are clothing or drugs. Feels bad that I can't mine or drill for even part of the amount I'd need (7 a time from a tiny 2 tile deep drill pocket is far too low, there are probably 3 or 4 other potential plasteel/gold veins i can see, deep drilling feel like a trap and a waste of colonist time). Chemfuel is another issue with the reduced things you can use to refine it and removal from deep drilling, on harsher biomes I'm not sure how you are supposed to get it, either you grow food for boomalopes or you use that food to refine in to chemfuel, on harsh biomes you really don't have the luxury of spare food for either of those options.

I really like how the faction system is in 0.19/1.0 however you get penalised for being friendly with all 4 factions, if you make friends with everyone you get punished by getting an increased % of mechanoid raids. Considering that outlander raids are generally harder than tribal it is beneficial to anger the friendly tribe and make friends with the hostile outlander. Tribes also have the disadvantage of their traders being worse than the outlander ones, there really is very little reason to befriend tribes (they even take longer to respond to calls for help in my experience). Tribal raids may have more people but they don't have armour and their weapons are terrible compared to outlander raids who come with flak or power armour and doomsday rockets and other advanced weaponry.

Edit:- it would be nice if the unforbid tool when used to unforbid everything didn't unforbid rotten corpses like it used to in Allow Tool. Having your haulers spend ages haling every skelton on the map is kinda frustrating. Would also love the haul urgently function as well.

[attachment deleted due to age]
Storyteller: Cassandra Classic
Difficulty: Merciless struggle
Biome/hilliness: temperate forest, large hills
Commitment mode: yes
Current colony age (days): 40
Hours played in the last 2 days: 7
Complete mod list:

So now you no longer start the game with extremely low expectations as you are about 3-4k over the 10k wealth limit for it. Tried starting two colonies one crashlanded the other tribal and both had a fairly large amount of property wealth without doing anything at all. Claiming all the visible structures on the  map didn't seem to effect the wealth so it seems you already own all the ruins and have the wealth penalty for them.

Not sure if intended.
Quote from: dearmad on August 08, 2018, 06:18:59 PM

As stated earlier, manhunters should be tainted meat or something... they are driven mad by... something, right? Maybe even the fur should be mangled in some horrible way to be not as usable as well. The point of the packs isn't to deliver a boon but to be a sort of violent challenge, right?

No. Just no. The event is fine as it is. Differing risk levels based on animal and differing levels of rewards as well. As others have said it is the last event that has a decent reward sometimes for taking the risk. You don't have to fight manhunters, they can be totally ignored. but you can take a risk and get a reward. I don't want to fight mechanoids if I can at all help it the risk v reward of confronting them is really bad. Manhunter packs sometimes I want to take the risk other raids are risk with little reward for overcoming them and I only fight them because you are forced to.
Just don't use mods it's that simple. If you don't want issues that is.
IED's were changed again? Something I never use and wouldn't know to try due to changes because we don't know the changes and I don't have the statistic of everything noted down. Tynan I would honestly love to know what your base design vision is. What meta you are aiming for. Because killboxes are gone, apparently enclosed bases aren't your desired design either.

I tried an open base design with kill corridors for sniper turrets. My own people have a high risk of getting shot by my own turrets and manhunter packs are now a much greater threat, especially as they reliably break down doors when multiple manhunters attack a door once each (even one no one has gone through manhunters still just randomly attack doors). So that design is a bust.

Turrets and IED need you to concentrate the enemies to get effective fields of fire. It seems all your changes are going against concentrated fire and fixed defences (both staples of historical and modern combat).

As it is I could post the same story each day of how my colony starts out the same, without any experimentation, but my reports would never include IED, turret or traps in that case. I tried them several times throughout this process and without knowing that something changed I'm hardly likely to try them again. They all feel pretty useless with current raid types and prevalence. I get you dislike theorycrafting that happens on posting notes but I'm not someone that dives in to the files to look for changes nor do I have a list of values for items.  I want to test things. Also how are we to know if something is a bug or intended behaviour? Maybe you wanted to not have infections send a letter how were we to know for example.

Edit:- from my past few colonies I hate the trader/visitor gifting it is way too much. First colony - 3 visitors/traders - first 11 glitterworld meds, next two left 700+ total silver (I had just bought advanced components off of one of them essentially making them free). Second colony  - 51 plasteel, 700+ silver. Now this is at the start of the game when I already have - crops planted, store room, food being cooked, bedrooms, no colonists ill or injured. Oh and 11 glitterworld on day 2 or 3 makes you effectively immune to the first few diseases and infections even with no doctor. This is not fun. I you want this in to help new players or something then keep it to the lower difficulties not in hard and higher.

another not fun thing from past few playthroughs is infestations happening on large and small hills maps because you mined out 2 tiles of overhead mountain near your base. I'm not exaggerating it was literally 2 tiles in a storeroom. I don't tunnel in to hills as I don't want infestations (I'm totally fine with them if i was playing a mountain map or even digging in to large hills). Getting a 7 or 8 hive infestation just because of 2 tiles is stupid. I shouldn't have to keep checking for even the tiniest bit of overhead mountain near my base and then filling any in with walls.

PS I didn't have known about the larger explosion, 100% trigger chance, no explosion delay for IED's till you posted in reply to Greep. Now I may try them out.