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Messages - JustALittleCrazyTalk

Neither of those things help, I don't think I explained the problem very well.

In vanilla, you can order the cook to make 10 meals, then whenever that bill is satisfied make pemmican.

There's no way to tell the cook make stew, then make pemmican.  Zone restriction/Better Workbenches Management just manages multiple cooks using different bills.
This really needs unified crafting benches because its impossible to prioritize between mod and vanilla workbenches.
Outdated / Re: [B18] cuproPanda's Mods (10 Jan 18)
February 04, 2018, 06:10:25 PM
Quote from: tmo97 on January 19, 2018, 03:08:26 PM
I love your alloys mod.

I have criticism too.
Copper shouldn't be just worse, neither should tin. They have everything at about 80%, this is just disappointing, and it doesn't balance it, ffs I know what you're thinking.
For some reason you think zinc is a good knife material. Can you remove this nonsense part?
Base the blunt damage off of relative densities, base the sharp damage off of hardness.
Bismuth is absolutely beautiful, but pawns still think their room is terrible even when I give them a TABLE made out of it. A TABLE OUT OF BISMUTH SHOULD MAKE THEM DROOL!

The utility alloys don't really stand out. For what would I use plumchalcum?

Another thing. Why isn't plumchalcum, which contains lead, bad for you? Oh man, you got lead poisoning, better eat a copper ingot.

I wish rimworld was less nonsensical about requiring steel for a workbench. I have 4000 copper and 8000+ uranium, but I can't chop up my meats and I gotta wreck the map's mountains for steel.

I'd like you to add some reactions between the metals, say, be able to consume copper and zinc for thermite, to make explosives, or wall melters, or you know, any other idea that instantly pops up when you download this potentially even more awesome mod.

You can make bronze, then (at least in A17) turn the bronze into steel at a crafting spot in order to get around silly recipe requirements.
Instead of changing the crematorium (since the code is hiding) could you write entirely new code and overwrite the crematorium?
O, radiadors don't autothermostat now?

That's... amazingly dumb, radiators already use way more components than furnaces+vents and now its doubling the requirement.
I'm having trouble setting the radiators up, they fill with water, then drain out and just stop working. Fiddling with the boiler/thermal store makes it work again, but only momentarily.
Outdated / Re: [A17] cuproPanda's Mods (08 Jul 17)
July 13, 2017, 11:32:36 PM
Where does 'fused quartz' come from?  ???
Ok I figured out if I turn 'AimingAccuracy' down they'll start missing. So here's a new experiment, I set it to .5, and ran the fight both with and without cover.

I did better without cover, just leaving the pawns standing where the cover would have been. tried a third with sandbags instead of embraces and that was the worst of the three. If the cover is doing anything, its too small to overcome the inherent randomness.
Bows are perfectly effective against poison ships in the base game, that's really a balance problem with the mod not adjusting the more dangerous events to be reflective.

But its not even that, I'm using firearms, I can hit the scythers just fine (or at least the two with excellent bolt action rifles hit, I need to ditch that poor rifle). The problem is cover isn't introducing a miss chance as far as I can tell. In the base game with this configuration (I don't use door exploits for what that's worth, just walls and sandbags/embrasures) I can trade shots with scythers all day and night. Even if I turn the scythers' weapon handling down to zero they still hit consistently though.
Changing my question: Does cover do anything of any kind?

I dropped the Scyther accuracy down from ungodly to 100% and got nearly the same result, this time they missed *one* shot while wiping my shooters (and the only one that missed was badly injured).  Come to think, tribals have had really good aim with their bows while I'm under cover too...
Quote from: gustavoghe on July 03, 2017, 02:18:15 PM
Hey guys,

So Im playing Sk hardcore, which just added CE in place of Combat Realism. There is something bothering me thoug. I had a colonist with melee 15, and a hammer, try to beat a Fly to death (Didnt use finish), and it took ages for the guy to kill the fly. Is that suppose to happen? If not, just be warned it is. Thanks for the effort on this mod, its great.

It's probably an out of date version of CE, there was a note in the changelog about preventing that (though shooting small critters is still nearly impossible).
Wait I have a better question, how are you supposed to beat poison ships before its possible to turret spam given that cover apparently does absolutely nothing against scythers?  I don't think they missed a single shot.
How do you change a loadout once you've made one?
The bulk of the items when combined with Combat Extended is set so high that its impossible to pick up meat in order to train animals while also carrying a gun. This isn't a problem with vanilla clothing. NM, this does happen without apparello.
I don't get the niche that most of the charge weapons in the vanilla flavored pack are supposed to fill. Burst charger and sidearm (for whatever that's worth) are good. But the other stuff seems to be worse than its non charge counterparts with no advantage. Charge driver has lower DPS and range than a sniper (and if you really need more damager per hit the anti materiel does it from a safe distance), the scatter charger is just straight up bad compared to a burst shotgun, and the charge cannon is so awful I wonder if its a bug.