[SOLVED] Alpha 10 Linux, in Fedora

Started by olorin12, June 01, 2015, 06:50:23 PM

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I've seen others have the same problem in Linux, but couldn't find a solution.

I'm running Fedora 22, with the NVidia proprietary driver installed. I've had the game working in other distros recently (Arch, openSuse). It won't work in Fedora.

This is the console output when I run 'sh start_RimWorld.sh':

Found path: /home/olorin12/RimWorld785Linux/RimWorld785Linux.x86_64
Mono path[0] = '/home/olorin12/RimWorld785Linux/RimWorld785Linux_Data/Managed'
Mono path[1] = '/home/olorin12/RimWorld785Linux/RimWorld785Linux_Data/Mono'
Mono config path = '/home/olorin12/RimWorld785Linux/RimWorld785Linux_Data/Mono/etc'
start_RimWorld.sh: line 25:  2655 Aborted                 (core dumped) LC_ALL=C ./$GAMEFILE $LOG

Any ideas? Thnx.


It turns out that this problem was due to the graphics drivers not being installed properly. I suspect that anyone else having this problem in Fedora or other distros is having it for that reason.

I installed the drivers according to the method on this page:

Marking as solved.