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Messages - UnlimitedHugs

Quote from: lc-soz on October 28, 2016, 04:05:14 PM
Would it be simpler to make the vanilla vent speed up the process? Just like what happen with temperature.

Far as I know, the vanilla vent only equalizes temperatures, rather than pushing heat.
How would you "speed up" the process, though? The expansion rate of the gas would still be the same, even if there were a vent to move it from one room to another.
Quote from: lc-soz on October 28, 2016, 08:02:38 AM
Other idea I forgot to put in my previous reply is an exhaust for the sleeping gas, anything to take the sleeping gas faster from a closed room.

Yeah, that is a good idea- there is a bunch of other features I have thought of to make playing with gasses more fun.
Ideally, gasses would be split off into a separate mod with RemoteEx integration- though that is a whole lotta work that I'm not feeling right now.
Adding a single vent would be kind of off-topic, I feel, but we'll see how things go in the future.
Quote from: faltonico on October 27, 2016, 09:46:33 PM
I have a save game in which the game would crash in almost exactly the same time, every time i played it no matter what you did after you activate the charges. i placed 3 smoke bombs in a rather big room, like 12x15, after a while, several of the affected pawns died, and after that the game crashes.
What i did for that not to happen, was simply to reduce the size of the room.... i have no idea as to why, but reducing the size didn't kill the pawns and didn't crash the game, using the same 3 charges. I don't know if killing the pawns had to do with the crash though.

And i have 12 GB of RAM, is not about not having enough of it, is a limitation of the game for being 32 bit only IMO, i am playing with a lot of mods and i have a lot of stuff in my colony so far (lots and lots of cattle as well), so reaching that 4 GB limit doesn't seem so far fetched to me.

I'd appreciate it if you could send me the save. Who knows, maybe there is something I can fix on my end.

Quote from: lc-soz on October 27, 2016, 05:55:46 PM
Man, this mod is just awesome! I can't imagine playing rimworld without it anymore!
The only thing that, in my opinion could be improved is the Hardened foam wall. I think that should be a way, with a tool hard to make or simply deconstructing it, to destroy it quickly after used.

Well, that stuff is meant to be tough. I could add the deconstruct option, but it won't be much quicker than mining it :)
Quote from: lc-soz on October 26, 2016, 04:42:21 PM
Working perfectly with Turret Colection from eatKenny! UnlimitedHugs, you are my hero! Now I don't have to do 80 clicks so my army of turrets can obliterate an enemy.  ;D

Yep! Looks like the emplacements from More Vanilla Turrets are working, as well. Good times.

Quote from: Wacoede on October 27, 2016, 12:22:55 AM
When is the steam workshop version updating?

Updated now. Looks like it's stable, so we're good to go.
Quote from: lc-soz on October 26, 2016, 12:46:29 PM
MAN! You did it!! Thank you a lot! You're awesome!!  ;D ;D ;D

How could I refuse :D
Haven't tested it, but far as I can tell it should even work with modded turrets.
Updated to 1.2.0

Brace for epic update! Squad hotkeys are now a thing, as well as some more features to make your defensive positioning even easier.
The game will show you a dialog highlighting how to use the new hotkeys, can't miss it :)
That would be correct.
It may have gone unnoticed, since that was before I had the option of spamming you guys with update news in-game :D
Quote from: kaptain_kavern on October 24, 2016, 04:53:47 PM
Oh yes it was more about selecting all the droids/pawns like faltonico rather downing the idea/mod ;)

I find the mod nice (in fact it's not that often I do translations - because I always play in English - I have to really think the mod should be enjoyed by most  ;D )

Eh, no worries- the feature was meant as a more specialized selection tool anyway, mainly because of the 80 item limit in vanilla. I'd go for the double click for the colonists, too.
Quote from: faltonico on October 24, 2016, 02:48:35 PM
You are so awesome!
I really HATED that i had to search for every cleaner bot one by one in the whole map, so I could draft them and get them out of harms way in a raid -_-'

Thanks a lot  ;D

Glad to help ya out, bud :)
And Kaptian is right- double click could be quicker, as long as all the pawns are on your screen.
Quote from: zmadz on October 24, 2016, 10:42:16 AM
amazing job, wouldn't it be easier to make a library a separate core mod that will be called by your other mods? also i am not sure if def positions is overwriting the position of the dash from valkyrie armor that you get with a mod isekawa moe gear.

Oh you bet it would be easier- but players would have to download and install a separate mod, as well as having to update every dependent mod each time I would release a new library version (as far as my research shows, at least.) So I chose to put in the extra effort so you guys don't have to :)
As for Moe Gears and Defensive Positions- works fine for me. Check if you're wearing the helmet, since it's the piece that displays the controls for the armor.
Updated to 2.4.0

Well, looks like someone got their wish :D
Selecting every item or pawn of a certain type with one click is now a thing.
Also, kaptain-kavern contributed a very French translation. Thank you, monsieur.
Quote from: brucethemoose on October 23, 2016, 01:50:43 AM
So how is the random number used for the reroll generated?
Is it the same for every tile? Aka could someone say "use this seed at these coords, then reroll X times"?

The generated seeds are non-sequential at the moment. I could change that as a quick fix, but having someone sit through, say, 17 loading screens just to get the same map isn't very humane :)
Quote from: brucethemoose on October 22, 2016, 10:09:21 PM
Now I spend a good chunk of my life rerolling trying to get a perfect map... this is your fault UnlimitedHugs, you're a terrible person :P
1 feature request: is there any easy way to get the planet seed/coordinates from the new, rerolled map, or is it random? Can I get it from a command? There some very interesting reroll starts I'd like to share, but don't know how.

Well, if you're having fun, it's most definitely time well spent :)
As for the seed, that's fairly tricky right now. The mod does generate a new world seed for each reroll, but it only affects the shape of the generated terrain. Even if you were to recreate a world from that exact seed, you would most likely find a different biome/elevation/climate at those coordinates.
But! In theory it would be possible if the person trying to recreate the map also had the mod installed and you were to share two seeds with them. Something to ponder for the future.
Quote from: Litcube on October 22, 2016, 01:07:42 PM
Hi! Me again with silly suggestions. 

You know what'd be neat? Selecting everything on the map of the same type.

(e.g. select all metal chunks to click hauling)

Hey :)
Yeah, the idea had crossed my mind. Very handy, until you accidentally select every piece of rock on the map and your game explodes ;D
It could work if it were limited to items, though.
Quote from: ArguedPiano on October 22, 2016, 08:03:26 AM
Yesterday whatever version you had out would crash on loading (i.e would reset all mods even if it was the only mod being loaded) but the newest version 2.3.2 is working fine for me now.
Thank you! This is one of the mods I dislike playing without!

Even when it was the only mod? That's odd... but hey, as long as it's working now :P

Quote from: Seinne on October 22, 2016, 08:34:42 AM
That seemed to fix it, love this mod!

You asked in the WS if I saw red text in the crash report, but with this crash I never got that far, I just got a pop up window, like if you try and load a save without a dependent mod loaded, stating there was an error loading the map, and it would kick you back to main menu.

Anyways great work!

Yeah, I figured you got that dialog. Fortunately the game still writes the error to the log file. Un-fortunately, the file gets overwritten on each launch :)