Alpha 7 Lets Play series

Started by MustardGames, October 02, 2014, 12:10:43 PM

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Following on from my Alpha 6 lets play (that I am still going to carry on for a week or so).

I have now released episode 1 of my Alpha 7 Lets Play...

Videos should be released on a Tuesdays and Thursdays (Alpha 6 Monday, Wednesday and Friday for now).

I would love / welcome comments and feedback...


I am a creator of Worlds. I give birth to children of varying backgrounds. I manipulate and torture at a will, causing pain and suffering to all those around me. But am also merciful in some cases, bringing joy and prosperity when I see fit.

I am an Author.


Just seen you reply and thanks..

Just let you and everyone know that I am now 3 episodes into the series, and the playlist can be found here: