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Messages - FlameBlood

It was a long journey - and, I hope, even longer lies ahead.
I wish the whole Rimworld team and Tynan personally best of luck. Hey, will we hear about any new amazing games from Ludeon studios? :)
Quote from: Madman666 on June 26, 2018, 07:05:13 AM
P.S. Thank god, multi-analyzer no longer needs adv. components, since you have to rely on luck to get those prior to fabrication. Never did dig progression locked by RNG.
Quote from: NeverPire on June 26, 2018, 07:35:06 AM
There were too much RNG needed to get them. An opening of an ancient danger room could be enough to find them (that's the case in my current game) or in the opposite you could just stay stucked due to the lack of advanced components. I prefer the new recipe.

Fair enough. But guaranteed adv.comp. in ancient shrine will mitigate that.
But that's just my opinion.
Quote from: Tynan on June 26, 2018, 05:39:38 AM
Multi-analyzer no longer requires advanced components. Plasteel is enough.

That was so nice, so well-placed requirement. Many high-end techs depend on the analyzer, so it was a great addition to both challenge and story. Colonists should have actually achieved something, proved that they are ready for the late game.
Yeah, adv.comp. is still needed for a Fabrication, but it does nothing with techs unlocked by the analyzer.
Unfinished / Re: [B18] [WIP] Jurassic Rimworld
May 30, 2018, 11:15:58 AM
Let me be honest: whom should I kill to get the link?)
I really want to download and try this mod - it looks awesome! But the old Dropbox link is obsolete :(
Pfff, don't mind about other "western" mods, your is already different enough. Just keep it up and add more crazy steam-engine Tesla-stuff.
It could even end up as an beautiful addition for "Rim of Madness" mods, with their 1930-ish theme (just thoughts).
OMG, I've registered just to answer you :)

You can create null 'Animal Area 1', immediately invert it (so this area will cover entire map) and then you just need to delete zone, adjacent to cave. Voila!