Ludeon Forums

RimWorld => Ideas => Topic started by: Kori on February 12, 2018, 07:06:05 PM

Title: Please allow modification of global price factors and price caps
Post by: Kori on February 12, 2018, 07:06:05 PM

please add entries to the Core XMLs that allow us to easily modify the currently hardcoded price modifiers for trading!
Specifically the following:

-PriceFactorBuy_Global (1.5f)
-PriceFactorSell_Global (0.5f)
-minimum buying price (0.5 silver)
-trader type price modifier

If this task is too easy and trivial ;)
..could you also add an option that allows the selling price to be higher than the buying price, as long as the trader doesn't sell these goods him- or herself, please? Currently the selling prices are always capped at the buying prices, even if the trader doesn't offer that item.
In these cases the "rebuy" prices should then be tied to the price the item was sold for to prevent exploiting.

All of this would offer great potential for mods that focus on trading and allow players to tweak these values to fit their own preference, please think about it. :)

edit: The problem that currently arises from selling prices being capped at buying prices is that pawns with a higher social skill or trade related traits will get less money for their items than someone with a lower skill, because shrinking buying prices means shrinking selling prices, too!

Title: Re: Please allow modification of global price factors and price caps
Post by: AileTheAlien on February 19, 2018, 09:49:32 PM
Seems pretty reasonable, since it'd be only for mods, and limited in scope. +1
Title: Re: Please allow modification of global price factors and price caps
Post by: VincentJ on February 20, 2018, 09:08:38 PM
That's an urgent thing to be done.

I believed modders could do everything, but, obviously, they cannot.

Now I'm aware of that, maybe I'll stop repeating the same question, how do you reduce the cost of automatic guns ?