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Messages - whintersan

Support / Re: Steam changed my game from 1.0 to .19?
August 11, 2018, 01:43:15 PM
Thanks for the response. I found the answer right after, but figured I'd leave this here in case anyone else is a derp like me.
Support / Steam changed my game from 1.0 to .19?
August 07, 2018, 11:43:03 PM
Tried to start the game up today, and there was a popup saying my game had been updated from 1.0 to 0.19.1987.

Am I missing something here?
I double checked that I have the beta version picked in Steam. I haven't changed anything whatsoever since I stopped playing yesterday.

All my mods are red.
Thank you!! I've been checking back every day for a 1.0 version. The game doesn't feel the same without it.
Yeah, the only reason I cheated them was because I was pretty much done with the colony. I just wanted to check something out.
General Discussion / Force delete empty caravans?
May 14, 2018, 08:58:14 PM
I got lazy and used Dev mode to quickly send a return a couple caravans. After they were back, it left these empty caravans on the map that are super annoying because every time another faction moves through it, I'm asked if I want to attack or trade or whatever.
If I click settle (which I can only do on one anyway, since the other is too close to my colony) my game freaks out and goes back to the main menu.

Just wondering if anyone else has ever encountered this, and if they found a way to fix it. I checked google, but I don't see an answer anywhere.