Spaceship shooting mechanics

Started by deshara218, May 27, 2017, 07:57:44 PM

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Playing games like Starsector and Everspace, space combat games that quantify both weapon velocity and accuracy but also have hardcoded range limits on weapons​ makes me wonder: are there space combat games where range is a natural factor of projectile velocity divided by enemy maneuverability?


Like a World of Warships in space?

Something similar to Kerbal and Space engenieers could be used, but I'm not sure it exists.


That's a shame. The moment in Everspace where I jumped onto a system, saw a Corvette, checked that it was ten times farther out than my max range, breathed a sigh of relief and starting looking around when a wave of cannon fire ripped past me and I realized that my ship is a dogfighting fighter plane and the Corvette was an Actual Warship and I'd rather be playing as that