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Messages - Morbo513

Releases / Re: [B19] Rainbeau's Mods
October 22, 2018, 05:06:17 PM
I see advanced bridges as essential, mechanically. But I have issues with their art, or rather the way they play with adjacent floor tiles. In other words, there's often a gap between the "true" ground and the bridge, meaning bridges made to support half a structure for example, result in that room having a streak of visible river running through it. I remember a bridge mod for B19 that had all the same archetypes (except boardwalks) but didn't have the same issue, the art for the bridges was a lot closer in style to vanilla.
Quote from: Fluffy (l2032) on October 17, 2018, 09:43:23 AM
new BETA mod; Spatial Priorities;


Some spaces are more important than others

# Features
Adds a designator in the "Zone" menu that allows you to apply priorities to areas. Pawns follow the priorities you set in the Work tab, but will choose to do jobs in high priority areas (e.g. your medicine crops) before jobs in low priority areas (e.g. the hay fields).

In the core game, the priority of jobs is decided by (in order);
  1) Priority of the work type,
  2) Left-right order of the work type,
  3) Left-right order of the task (WorkGivers, normally invisible),
  4) Distance to the target.

This mod changes that to; 
  1) Priority of the work type (Work Tab support for workgiver level priorities is planned)
  2) Left-right order of the work type,
  3) Priority of the target area,
  4) Left-right order of the task,
  5) Distance to the target.

In other words, we evaluate all workgivers in the same worktype, with the same priority, at the same time. Within this 'batch' of potential jobs, we try to find the highest priority job.

# Notes
Adds a MapComponent;
- Can be safely added to existing games.
- Can be safely removed from existing games (although you will get an error when you load the game, the error goes away after saving without this mod active).

# Performance
Performance will vary, depending on how much you use priorities, and how often work is done in high priority areas. I'd love to hear feedback on how it runs in your game.

# Compatibility
This mod completely replaces `JobGiver_Work`, by replacing it in all `ThinkTreeDefs`. Any mods that rely on patching this class will be incompatible, but at the moment, I'm not aware of any mods that do this (I haven't looked very hard though).
This is something I've been wanting since I first figured my arse from my head in this game, awesome work man.
General Discussion / Re: Deterioration change?
October 22, 2018, 01:43:24 PM
While we're on the subject of repairs, I'd like a system similar to that of Jagged Alliance 2 (Not sure if this is a 1.13 mod feature or not) - You can repair items, but damage and degradation it sustains can and often does reduce the max condition it can be repaired to. So a gun that's been used heavily over several in-game years (Rimworld) will never be able to reach back to 100% but it could've gone from 100, down to 70, back up to 99, down to 50, back up to 90 etc. But if you want a pristine gun, you're going to have to manufacture a new one.
You could get down to the nitty-gritty of tracking the condition of different major components and such and being able to replace them, but that would be too much detail for Rimworld unless you've got a mod that's really focused on the arms industry end of things.
General Discussion / Re: I wish RimWorld had..
October 22, 2018, 11:35:06 AM
NPC faction bases that amounted to more than just outposts. In other words, some hand-made bases with proper defences and interesting layouts, that were still a challenge to take by the time you had the technology to reach them, and with at least some of the infrastructure that'd be required to support its inhabitants. As opposed to a procedurally-generated handful of rectangles.
General Discussion / Re: Deterioration change?
October 22, 2018, 11:27:39 AM
I preferred the condition-determines-performance mechanic from before. I didn't realise it'd changed until seeing this thread. What's the point in maintaining an item's condition or replacing it once it deteriorates past a certain point, if the only effect it has is how long til it goes *poof* if left out in the elements, or left to burn? I couldn't care less about manipulating wealth vs raids, but now the item condition mechanic has close enough to zero bearing on the gameplay that it might as well not exist.

For weapons, I'd have preferred jamming to be a thing while the degree to which accuracy diminishes is minimised.
Letting prisoners... out of their cells? You mean, treating them like actual human beings? You're all off your rockers. How are you meant to easily access their organs if they're just left to freely roam around? Incredible
Releases / Re: [1.0] Cargo Pod Transport
October 22, 2018, 09:45:02 AM
This is pretty cool. Couple questions though, does it depend on having a launch-pad? And if I fill its fuel to full, and send it to a destination that only uses half of it, will it retain that fuel, or does it have to be refuelled for the return trip?
Releases / Re: [1.0] Alpha Animals
October 20, 2018, 01:03:17 PM
I really like the new creatures and the variety they bring. I don't like the Arctic Lion stalking mechanic, and black hive attacks seem to be very frequent. Plus I've had all these except the devilsheep show up in temperate forest, and the Gallatross seems more common than Thrumbos.
One of the more annoying things is that the meat of the various insectoid species are classified differently, so for each cooking stove bill, you need to exclude all of them manually to avoid the negative side of that. Ditto with using that surplus meat for chemfuel production.
Unfinished / Re: [1.0] Prison Labor
October 19, 2018, 06:18:01 PM
Quote from: Avius on October 19, 2018, 12:08:43 PM
- updated to RimWorld 1.0
Will there ever be a way for us to define a "World" pawn as captive to/a runaway from a faction?

Quote from: andz on October 16, 2018, 12:21:35 PM
I can see that you are working on GitHub, can you release a 1.0.1a version for us?
Ideas / Hidden Traits & Skills
October 19, 2018, 01:27:55 PM
Simply enough this would be an option which, if enabled, would only reveal a pawn's traits and skills once they complete or perform an action that it interacts with - or until certain positive relationship milestones are met with your colonists. This would only be the case outside your starting colonists of course. A random selection of them could be revealed by default in the case of joining wanderers.
This would throw selectiveness about which prisoners to capture, which spacefugees to rescue etc out the window - You'd have to invest resources (Food, medical supplies, living space) in finding out whether they're someone you want to keep, or if they're of no use to you. It would lead to less predictable behaviour like a relatively new colonist suddenly setting the place on fire when it all gets to be too much - only then do you know they're a pyromaniac. It abstracts pawns getting to know one another and integrating into the colony.
Unfinished / Re: [B18] Prison Labor
October 19, 2018, 06:45:40 AM
I'm running it on 1.0, while everything is there it doesn't seem to function correctly. It seems like it treats colonists who interact with prisoners (Enter prisoner rooms?) as prisoners themselves, and are unable to be ordered normally afterwards. One of my prisoners hasn't been fed for some reason and has collapsed from malnutrition, can't force any of my pawns to feed him.
Obviously it's not a good idea for me to be running a B18 mod on the latest version but hopefully this is useful info
There's DeepRim which functions quite a bit differently. You build a mineshaft, and can send colonists and items to different layers of the map - The mining is all still manual. The concept is really neat but I've yet to use it myself, I think it might be exploitable as a "bunker" that attackers can't access, but that's beyond the point. The B19 release seems to work fine with 1.0.
There's also the OmniCore drill, the mod is highly configurable and by default I feel is quite balanced. Allows you to "mine" any resource from the planet core, but it comes in at a trickle and requires a high investment of steel, plasteel, components and power, and still requires a pawn to operate. I'm not sure if there's a 1.0 or even B19 version though.