Is there a database of what can be changed in the game through xml tags?

Started by levgre, May 06, 2016, 07:24:38 PM

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I'd like to mod some but would like to stick to xml modding for now.  Not having to do trial + error to see if things can be changed in xml would help a lot.


each object have it's own set of fields, there is no answer for your question possible.


Quote from: RawCode on May 06, 2016, 11:44:16 PM
each object have it's own set of fields, there is no answer for your question possible.

It's certainly possible for the objects' xml fields to be documented. 


Yes it's possible and included with game, navigate to %gamedir%\Mods\Core\Defs\


huh I looked at a number of those defs and didn't see numbered parameters, now I see some I guess I got unlucky and looked at ones without modifiable numbers in xml.


there is no numbered params, each param have name that match internal c# implementation of object.


yes i know, I meant parameters with modifiable numbers not labeled by a number


please check %gamedir%\Mods\Core\Defs\ThingDefs\Weapons_Guns.xml for numbers.

please be more specific and explain what exactly you want to archive, ever simple objects like guns have over 20 fields, pawns have over 200 fields total.


Decompiling source code gives you the most reliable information regardless. There is no use in making a database of C# properties which will be deprecated in the next assembly.