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Topics - AtomicRavioli


Version: 1.1
July 3rd

Reboot of my A15 mod, Mutagens and Psionic Drugs. Inspired by Cataclsym: Dark Days Ahead.
Adds a collection of various consumable items with varying effects.



Neolithic blend of powdered herbs that is traditionally used by Oracles in tribal societies. Users never build tolerance to it. Addictive. Repeated usage develop semi permanent effects.

Craftable and purchasable.

Ambrosia Iced Tea:
Drink made from ambrosia that calms the drinker down, and without addictive chance. Not as potent as Ambrosia but slightly different effects.

Craftable and purchasable.

Hearth Brew:
Warming beverage for winter time, slightly alcoholic and makes the drinker more festive. Made from slightly fermented berries.

Craftable and purchasable.

Herbal Tincture:
Blend of various herbal medicines that help the user build an immunity to a disease, while making the user drowsy. Effects last 1 day.

Craftable and purchasable.

Rare iridescent fluid that permanently alters the brain chemistry of the drinker, giving them permanent buffs at the cost of pain sensitivity.


Purchasable Mutagens:
Taking a mutagen pill puts the user in a mutagenic reaction state. It begins with an initial phase before the effects kick in. After some time, the mutagen starts working. When active, the mutagen randomly gives the user mutations. Mutations are chosen randomly from a pool, some mutations cancel out others. Mutagen pills are highly refined, often giving more beneficial mutations than harmful ones. There is, however, a small chance that the user might not mutate at all. All mutagen pills are purchasable only.

Mutagen that is popular on Glitterworlds for the beautiful changes to the body, such as the floral-like mutations that sprout around the ears. It is infamous on Urbworlds for the lethal toxins that some of the mutations secrete.

Forming beast like mutations, Ursa is primarily designed for use by special divisions of military shock troopers.

Designed and mass produced to enhance manual labor, it promptly received a ban on various worlds when unintended mutations started popping up.

Myrol was produced for a specific mutation; Myrolsis, which bestows light regeneration and stronger blood filtration. However, most of its side effects are less than desirable.

One of the earliest mind altering mutagens that was proven to be safe enough for specialized use.

Craftable Mutagen:
With research done, you can eventually craft your own mutagens. It begins with Catalyst Serum, a special solution embedded in some rancid meat that you craft at the drug lab. If you keep it safe and undisturbed, the catalyst serum will eventually break down into a baby slime.

Slimes are ravenous creatures that will tirelessly consume and assimilate matter. It grows fast and can become a huge problem for your colony unless you either kill it or tame it. Killing it will yield slime globs which are a necessity for making homemade mutagens. Taming the slimes will allow you to milk them for slime gel which can be processed into slime paste and eaten.

Once you obtain slime globs you can craft a mutagenic slurry at the drug lab. Mutagenic slurries are a VERY random mutagen that fit almost every mutation available into one consumable, making it very risky but very rewarding if you are lucky. Beware that the mutation phases are worse in effect to your colonists when consuming the slurry.

Mutation list:
An incomplete and somewhat outdated list of mutations your pawns can get

-mutation: speed (+ 0.24 movement speed, incompatible with mutation: slow)
-mutation: rage (75% increased social fight chance, pain reduced by 15%, slightly worsened mental break threshold, incompatible with mutation: calm)
-mutation: warm (lower MIN and MAX comfortable temperature range)
-mutation: furnace (20% less sleep, 30% higher hunger rate. Eating speed increased by 50%, slight cold tolerance)
-mutation: plated arm (Bone plated arm that won't bleed to damage and deals more unarmed damage, 20% decrease to manipulation, 10% sharp armor, 6% blunt armor)
-mutation: core heart (Dense heavily altered heart, 50% more efficient than a normal heart. 10% movement increase)
-mutation: strong back (increased carrying capacity, 10% movement increase)
-mutation: flowers (+10% social impact, +10% toxic sensitivity)
-mutation: corrosive acids (+20% hunger rate)
-mutation: viperous blood (+10% pain, -5% toxic sensitivity, +20% blood filtration)
-mutation: phelloderm (+6.5% sharp armor, +3.5% blunt armor, -0.03 movement speed)
-mutation: fey eyes (+12% social impact, +26% sight improvement)
-mutation: degraded (-35% pain, -10% global work speed, -15% consciousness, -35% talking)
-mutation: calm (-12% mental break threshold, incompatible with mutation: rage)
-mutation: ponderous (15% more rest need)
-mutation: slow (-0.24 movement speed, incompatible with mutation: speed)
-mutation: fur (very slight sharp and blunt armor, and movement penalty, -5 minimum comfy temperature, incompatible with mutation: phelloderm)
-mutation: disfigured (-35% social impact)
-mutation: claws (65% efficient as hands, powerful melee weapons)
-mutation: horns (Extra melee attack)
-mutation: animal-like (80% pain, -50% social impact, 80% psychic sensitivity, lower mental breakdown threshold, +20% hearing, random food binges)
-mutation: intelligent (Worse mental break threshold, faster learning)
-mutation: forgetful (random memory loss, similar to Alzheimers)
-mutation: blurred (-15% sight, per eye)
-mutation: rough voice (-15% social impact)
-mutation: keen (-35% aiming delay)
-mutation: absent (mood boost, -20% consciousness penalty)
-mutation: static (-10% learning, -10% psychic sensitivity)
-mutation: myrolsis (Scar healing, +15% blood filtration)
-mutation: constricted breathing (-10% breathing)
-mutation: withering (-10% blood filtration)
-mutation: slimy skin (Blunt armor, worsened lower temp cap, incompatible with other skin mutations)
-mutation: wired (-15% less sleep need, incompatible with ponderous mutation)
-mutation: lizard eyes (replaces eyes with lizard like eyes, better sight and better for shooting, not good for social interaction)
-mutation: strong (Increased melee hit chance, carry weight, and mining speed, affects arms)
-mutation: agile (Increased dodge chance, incompatible with stagnant mutation)
-mutation: stagnant (Decreased dodge chance, incompatible with agile mutation)
-mutation: soothing aura (Variety of social buffs and animal tame chance)

Take it apart to your heart's consent for your own ideas, just don't blatantly copy and republish the mod.

Modpacks and collections are welcome to include the mod, just give me a notification and credit as you do so.

Mod Overhauled!
Download Available: Version 2.1
~~Download Link~~

EPOE Patch
~~Download Link~~

CE Patch (by SeniorScore)
~~Forum Link~~

Requires AlienRaces Mod
~~Download Link~~

Steam Workshop Link

Load in this order:
Alien Races -> Crystalloid -> EPOE patch

This mod currently adds a race of xenohumans called the Crystalloids, along with some content to flesh them out.

This mod is fairly large in scope

Huge thanks to the Alien Races framework! This mod would not of been possible without it.

Background Lore:
Crystalloids are unique hyper-evolved xenohumans that are thought to of originated from a transcendent world. Crystalloids are primarily made of a hard organic crystalline material, and lack most organs (save for a brain and intake system). Just simply known as crystal in the game, the organic material is linked to Crystalloid DNA. They build most of their things out of this crystalline material and worlds dominated by them are dubbed "Crystal worlds" (This technically makes their things Bio-tech). True to what is known about many other transcendent races, the Crystalloids' minds are connected in a neural network. However, unlike the others, their means of connection lack any mechanical aspect to them at all, and instead utilize their powerful minds. The connection exists a powerful matrix of Crystalloid minds that collectively pools their consciousness, while still retaining their individual personas and bodies. Each individual Crystalloid is to some degree, psionically capable, and passively feeds into the collective psionic strength of the network.

Crystalloids in game are functionally similar to humans, they are distinguished by their unique anatomy, psionic ability (in which some are stronger than others, they roll for an aptitude based on 5 ranks), and their sensitivity to psychic phenomenon.
Some research in the mod requires a Crystalloid to research it for the colony, if you are starting off with a human colony.

Two sets of weapons are also in the game, psionic and shard:

Psionic weapons are mostly unobtainable to your colonists (The weapons are powered by the psionic collective). They fire searing bolts of energy, leaving nasty burn wounds.

Shard weapons fire crystalline projectiles and are dropped by Crystalloids, they generally favor high rates of fire at the penalty of low damage and accuracy.

Everything else:
Crystal resource is at the root of all progression for items in this game. You need it to build most things, and more often than not, you will need to refine it to be used in crafts. You can obtain crystal in a number of ways: either mining it out of rock, purchasing it from Crystalloid traders, butchering constructs, or generating it from crystal synthesizers.


Basic construct with weak innate psionic beam attack, its sturdy and angular shell protects it quite well from a variety of weak attacks. It falls easily however, to blunt damage and armor piercing attacks.

Standard combat construct, carries psionic and shard weapons into battle. About as sturdy as a mechanoid scyther, and boasts a protective armor shell. Weak against blunt damage and piercing attacks, especially to the legs. Watch out for the heavy variant, which carries deadly anti-infantry weaponry. Melee variants also exist, named volatile guardians, they are purple in color and explode on death.

Behemoth siege construct. Fires long ranged psionic artillery, which explode in a wide radius with crushing brute force. Melee is not advised, as it can lash out with enough psionic force to easily sever limbs. Extremely tanky, its weak points are its 4 brains. One of the best candidates for a psychic shock lance. When butchered, it drops a large amplifier crystal.

Whats Next:
- Small content additions

Known Issues:
- None, currently

V2.1 Psionic Additions

-Many thanks to ChJess who implemented a psionic field system! :)

-Added Psionic Scanner to help you find psionic fields, when it is powered you can select it to show the fields.

-Prism raid appearance frequency lowered from 125 to 80
-Prism raid point cost increased from 33 to 40
-All other construct raid point costs increased by 10 (Raid points are spent by the AI to "purchase" units to use in a raid, higher costs means less you will see less units in a raid)

-Shard weapons nerfed, slower rate of fire, damage tweaks
-Both psionic rifles slightly slower rate of fire
-Crafted psionic rifle has new art
-Renamed Psionic sniper -> Psionic lancer

-Added craftable Psionic Crystal Light Lancer, a psionic scout rifle for taking down mid/long range targets

-Colossus reworked, new graphics, uses Guardian bodytype now

-Crystal synthesizer replaced with synthesizer basins, it now "grows" like a crop.

-Psionic Power Generation is now based on the psionic field strength, when the building is selected for construction, the fields are visible. White zones are the highest concentration.
-Recipies have been tweaked for the power generators
-Ancient ruins have strong psionic fields

-Added <DeepCommonality> to crystal resource

-Research that requires a crystalloid, now informs you in the research tooltip.

-All pawns in this mod now have their meat set to human. While nothing butchers into meat, this means you won't get traders or drop pods full of unobtainable meats from prisms and others.

-All Crystalloid Races have their psychic sensitivity set to 1
-Psionic class determines increases to psychic sensitivity, starting at +25% with Emergent, and increasing by 25% each class. (This also means if you remove the node, their sensitivity is the same as a human)
-Psionic fields gives buffs to people inside them, only pawns with psychic sensitivity above 100% will get any affect, the greater the sensitivity, the better the buff.

-New backstories, esp for childhood.

V2 Overhaul

-Crystalloids now appear with more headshapes (oops)
-Crystalloids now have head tatoos of various designs
-Crystalloids have a smaller chance of appearing in your colony, down from 15% to 5%
-Updated Crystalloid Guardian art
-Updated Amplifier Crystal art, thanks to Sera!

-Added Psionic Forge, work table for psionic materials.

-Added Refined Crystal, mid-late game resource improves on basic crystal with better stats and added bonuses for weapons and workbenches. Forge it at electric smithy or research improved refining to refine it at the psionic forge for half the work cost.

-Added Psionic Crystal Rifle, craftable psionic rifle, slightly weaker than the psionic rifles the Collective uses in raids.
-Shard Pistol, Shard Rifle, and Shard Scatterer are now craftable, recipes at the Psionic Forge. (Note that selling prices have changed due to this and they should be smeltable)

-Added Psionic Generator, generator that produces a low amount of electricity at a steady rate (Currently 625)
-Added Psionic Reciever, larger version of the psionic generator, same size as the Geothermal Generator. (Currently 2700)

-Added 2 kinds of Crystal flooring; Crystal Tiles, which are somewhat beautiful and sort of cheap, and Smooth Crystal Floor which is beautiful, expensive, and laborious.

-Added Prism turret, non mobile construct prism that fires nearby enemies. Less total damage than an improvised turret, but can ignore certain types of armor with its burn damage.

-Amplifier Crystal recipe changed, requires refined crystal now. Recipe taken off of smelter and moved to psionic forge.
-Construct hub recipe changed, no longer requires plasteel, replaced with refined crystal.
-Crystal synthesizer is now slightly cheaper, and no longer requires plasteel, meant to be accessible for earlier game.

-Research tab for Crystalloid added
-Refactored research requirements and times.

-Crystal Resource overall weakend, weaker stats, less beauty, less hp on items. Flavor text updated.
-Crystal resource now can be found in mining, as crystal ore

-Weapon stats tweaked, shard weapons fire a little faster and are worse at range
-Weapon flavor texts updated

-Removed Amplifier weapons
-Removed Stasis beds and accessories

Download and unzip to rimworld's mod folder, then activate it in the mods menu in game.
Feel free to digest and re-purpose my xml editing to adapt to other projects.

Modpacks need only to notify me if they choose to add this mod.

Mutagens and Psionic Drugs


Designed with my larger mod, Crystalloid, in mind.

This little mod adds 3 drugs, Oracalium, Igni, and Ichorio. Each drug behaves very differently from vanilla drugs and each have lasting effects.

Neolithic blend of powdered herbs that is traditionally used by Oracles in tribal societies. Supposedly has properties that help with divination.

Craftable with psychite refining research at the drug lab using 1 herbal medicine and 10 psychoid leaves. Purchasable.

Effects are relatively minor for a drug, giving increased vision and a mood boost, and slightly lowering rest. Low chance for it to be addictive. Repeated useage never loses its spark (No tolerance build up).
After prolonged use, long term effects appear. Chronic users become Oracle psionics, giving them a varying degree of a sight benefit. Effects will diminish when the user stops taking the drug for a long time.

Red pill with a mutagenic serum inside. Anyone who takes the pill has the chance to mutate permanently (unless you remove their limbs). Originally designed and mass produced to enhance manual labor in workers, it promptly received a ban on various worlds when unintended mutations started popping up.

Non-craftable. Purchasable.

Taking the pill puts the consumer in a mutagenic reaction state. It begins with an initial phase before the effects kick in. After some time, the mutagen starts working. When active, the mutagen randomly gives the consumer mutations, they include:

-mutation: speed (+ 0.06 movement speed, incompatible with mutation: slow)
-mutation: rage (75% increased social fight chance, pain reduced by 15%, slightly worsened mental break threshold, incompatible with mutation: calm)
-mutation: warm (lower MIN and MAX comfortable temperature range)
-mutation: furnace (20% less sleep, 30% higher hunger rate. Eating speed increased by 50%, slight cold tolerance)
-mutation: plated arm (Bone plated arm that won't bleed to damage and deals more unarmed damage, 20% decrease to manipulation, 10% sharp armor, 6% blunt armor)
-mutation: core heart (Dense heavily altered heart, 50% more efficient than a normal heart. 10% movement increase)
-mutation: strong back (increased carrying capacity, 10% movement increase, immunity to bad back)

There is a chance to develop asthma.
There is also a chance to have nothing happen at all.

Igni's mutation set is focused around heavy work and warm temperatures, it is relatively "safer" than other mutagen options, with each mutation being at least marginally useful and very few of them purely malicious.

Light blue pill with a mutagenic serum inside. Anyone who takes the pill has the chance to mutate permanently (unless you remove their limbs). Popular on Glitterworlds for the beautiful changes to the body, like the floral-like mutations that sprout around the ears. Infamous on Urbworlds for the lethal toxins that some of the mutations secrete.

Non-craftable. Purchasable.

Mutation list:

-mutation: flowers (+10% social impact, +10% toxic sensitivity)
-mutation: corrosive acids (+20% hunger rate)
-mutation: viperous blood (+10% pain, -5% toxic sensitivity, +20% blood filtration)
-mutation: phelloderm (+6.5% sharp armor, +3.5% blunt armor, -0.03 movement speed)
-mutation: fey eyes (+12% social impact, +26% sight improvement)
-mutation: degraded (-35% pain, -10% global work speed, -15% consciousness, -35% talking)
-mutation: calm (-12% mental break threshold, incompatible with mutation: rage)

There is a chance to have nothing happen at all.

Sil's mutation set is focused around plants, acid, and toxins. Fairly risky mutagen, with the potential for high reward. Featuring raw power increases countered by plenty of malicious mutations.

A brown pill with a mutagenic serum inside, anyone who consumes the pill mutates irreversibly. Forming beast like mutations, Ursa was primarily designed for use by special divisions of military shock troopers.

Non-craftable. Purchasable.

Mutation list:

-mutation: ponderous (15% more rest need)
-mutation: slow (-0.06 movement speed, incompatible with mutation: speed)
-mutation: fur (very slight sharp and blunt armor, and movement penalty, -5 minimum comfy temperature, incompatible with mutation: phelloderm)
-mutation: disfigured (-35% social impact)
-mutation: claws (65% efficient as hands, powerful melee weapons)
-mutation: horns (Extra melee attack)
-mutation: animal-like (80% pain, -50% social impact, 80% psychic sensitivity, lower mental breakdown threshold, +20% hearing, random food binges)

There is a chance to have nothing happen at all.

Ursa's mutation set is focused around beasts. Great for melee combat.

A purple pill with a mutagenic serum inside, anyone who consumes the pill mutates irreversibly. Midia is known as one of the earliest mind altering mutagens that was proven to be safe enough for specialized use.

Non-craftable. Purchasable.

Mutation list:

-mutation: intelligent (Worse mental break threshold, faster learning)
-mutation: forgetful (random memory loss, similar to Alzheimers)
-mutation: blurred (-15% sight, per eye)
-mutation: rough voice (-15% social impact)
-mutation: keen (-35% aiming delay)
-mutation: absent (mood boost, -20% consciousness penalty)

Midia is a low grade brain mutagen, with some spill over mutations to other areas on the head.

Be warned, mutating is miserable and your pawns will hate it.

Golden iridescent fluid in a bottle. Almost like a fairy tale, it grants the drinker power.

Non-craftable. Purchasable. (Very expensive)

Anyone who drinks this immediately gets permanent psionic powers, that stack up to 4 times:
5% increase to sight, manipulation, and movement. 10% increased pain.

More to come.

-Mutagen base price lowered to 415

-Added Ursa mutagen
-Added Midia mutagen

-Sil's phelloderm mutation is incompatible with Ursa's fur mutation
-Igni's speed mutation is incompatible with Ursa's slow mutation
-Igni's speed mutation is also reworked (no longer affects the moving capacity, instead directly influences the move speed)

-Fixed an issue that prevented immunities from taking place

- Oracalium has stack size textures
- Mutation phases duration slightly tweaked
- Igni base price greatly reduced, to 500 silver
- Igni's plated arm mutation has some armor value now
- Igni's plated arm mutation manipulation debuff increased to 20%
- Igni's furnace mutation lowers minimum comfortable temperature now
- Igni's rage mutation increased social fight chance to 175%
- Igni's rage mutation worsens mental break threshold slightly now

- Added Warm mutation to Igni (Lower min comfortable temp, lower max comfortable temp)
- Added Strong Back mutation to Igni (increased movement and carry capacity, immunity to bad back)

- Added the Sil mutagen

- Confliction between mutations occurs now, obtaining one will prevent a pawn from obtaining an 'opposite' mutation
- For instance: Igni rage is incompatible with Sil calm

Take it apart to your heart's consent for your own ideas, just don't blatantly copy and republish the mod.

Modpacks and collections are welcome to include the mod, just give me a notification and credit as you do so.
Mods / Race wide pain factor reduction?
August 20, 2016, 06:44:25 AM
I recently switched pawns from my mod from having a Mechanoid flesh type to the normal one (Having a mechanoid flesh type tied in some really strange idiosyncrasies, like having pawns with the flesh type spawn from toxic/psychic ships). This however caused a problem with some of these pawns having pain related issues that reduced their combat viability drastically.

I want to somehow apply a .2 pain factor to the races, but I can't seem to figure it out, aside from giving them all a permanent hediff (This feels really sloppy, unless there is a way to make it invisible).

Is there any way to reduce pain for a race?

Download is now available: Version 0.83
~~Download Link~~

Important: Requires CCL

This mod currently adds a race of xenohumans called the Crystalloids, with 2 factions, 3 sets of weapons, a hammer, a building material, a fabric, a helmet, a powered bed, and even a pretty lamp.

Background Lore:
Crystalloids are unique hyper-evolved xenohumans that are thought to of originated from a transcendent world. Their bodies are simplified without any internal organs, save for a hyper-developed brain and nutrient intake system. True to what is known about many other transcendent species, the Crystalloids' minds are connected in a neural network. However, unlike the others, their means of connection lack any mechanical aspect to them at all, and instead utilize only their powerful minds with what observers called "Psionics". Crystalloids and their psionic ability are both currently poorly understood.

Crystalloids in game are functionally similar to humans, they are distinguished by their unique anatomy, psionic ability (in which some are stronger than others, they roll for an aptitude based on 5 ranks), their sensitivity to psychic phenomenon.
Crystalloids are divided between two factions in this mod, the loyalists, and the independents.

The loyalists are similar to Mechanoids, they are the Crystalloids who are integrated in the neural network of the planet. Their coordination makes them very industrious and efficient and they are able to produce crystalline constructs that act as conduits for the collective's will. (These constructs are cut resistant, but blunt damage is done in full)

The Independents are Crystalloids who managed to break off the network and became free thinking individuals and formed a community. They behave like an outsider town, just a little less trusting.

Psionics really make the Crystalloids unique. Psionics are rated between stunted (which is under developed) to Class 1 (average ability) then all the numbers to Class 4 (which is really strong). Most Crystalloids end up at Class 1 or 2.

Stunted ability may seem bad since it lowers manipulation by 10%, but it cuts their ability to feel pain by 25%.
Class 1 to 2 offer manipulation and sight boosts, at the cost of pain being 10-20% worse than normal.
Class 3 and 4 offers further bonuses to manipulations and sight, with an additional psionic melee attack. At the cost of pain being problematic at 30-50% worse.
Class 4 also has a small movement boost

These bonuses really do make Crystalloids super strong, but the pain penalty makes them both glass cannons and volatile. You wouldnt want a Class 4 psionic to go berserk, its not pretty.

You also have the option to surgically remove a crystalloid's psionic node and made them mundane. (For an example, to prevent a disaster with a dangerous psionic with negative mood issues)

Three sets of weapons are also in the game, psionic, shard, and amplifier:

Psionic weapons are mostly unobtainable to your colonists (being that they aren't innately psionic and the weapon is attuned to the user). They fire searing bolts of energy, leaving nasty burn wounds.

Shard weapons fire crystalline projectiles and are dropped by Crystalloids, they generally favor high rates of fire at the penalty of low damage and accuracy.

Amplifier weapons are specially crafted weapons that emulate psionic firepower. They make use of charge technology in conjunction to crafted amplifier crystals to fire identical beams to psionic weaponry. They are often expensive to buy and laborious to craft, but their firepower stands above conventional weaponry.

Everything else:
Butchering Crystalloid constructs drops a crystal resource that can be used to in building and crafting. It is weaker than steel, but its quite beautiful. A simple recipe is known at the start for a crystal lamp, a simple light inside a hollowed out crystal, its more expensive but is more beautiful than a plain lamp. Its simplicity allows it to use less electricity, but at the cost of less light.

The origin of Crystalloid's psionics lies in refined crystals called amplifier crystals. They have unique effects on the mind, and while colonists may never discover how to make a perfectly refined amplifier crystal (Exceedingly rare pure amplifier crystals are found in trace amounts in Crystalloid brains), they can make crude copies at an electric smelter (using the crystal resource)

Amplifier crystals have a couple of uses, such as specialized augmentation helmets, which allow a user to have "clarity" in their minds and manipulate objects to a greater degree. They can also be used to make stasis beds, intended as an upgrade to the standard bed, they offer far superior sleep, but they use power and can be a huge resource sink to construct. They also are a key component to a set of weaponry (as described above).

The progression path:
Crystalloid raids -> butcher constructs -> crystal resource
Crystal resource is a basic material (like steel)

Crystal resource -> refine at electric smelter -> Amplifier Crystals

Vitals monitor -> Stasis Beds
Charged shot -> Amplifier Weaponry


The crystalline xenohumans that this mod focuses around. Psionic beings that are linked in a mind collective. Some managed to break off the connection and think independently. These renegades formed their own community.

Basic construct with weak innate psionic beam attack, its sturdy and angular shell protects it quite well from a variety of weak attacks. It falls easily however, to blunt damage and armor piercing attacks.

Standard combat construct, carries psionic and shard weapons into battle. About as sturdy as a mechanoid scyther, and boasts a protective armor shell. Weak against blunt damage and piercing attacks, especially to the legs. Watch out for the heavy variant, which carries deadly anti-infantry weaponry.

Volatile Guardian:
Guardian constructs designed for melee combat. It rushes towards colonists, swinging punches that burn with psionic energy. Explodes when it dies, be careful.

Behemoth siege construct. Fires long ranged psionic artillery, which explode in a wide radius with crushing brute force. Melee is not advised, as it can lash out with enough psionic force to easily sever limbs. Extremely tanky, its weak points are its 4 brains. One of the best candidates for a psychic shock lance.

Whats Next:
- New art (Much of it is placeholder and I suck at it, any contribution would be greatly appreciated)
- Psionic implants or psionic gear for humans
- Psionic or crystalline drugs
- Dividing "unrelated" items into optional downloads (I would imagine not everyone is willing to have things like the Lucerne hammer included)

Known Issues:
- Crystalloids who ever lost limbs can't wear clothes

V0.83 Pre-Release
-Removed all abstract dependencies (to prevent possible mod conflicts)

-Added Lucerne Hammers (constructs are vulernable to blunt damage, but I really felt the blunt melee options were not very good for Vanilla. This hammer offers the same base stats as a spear except it deals blunt damage)

-The constructs have been fundamentally changed, moving from the mechanoid flesh type to the normal one. They feel pain and bleed, and have minor anatomy changes
-Colossuses have a permanent passive toughness buff that reduces pain by 80% (Which makes sure they don't die to pain from a couple of light hits)
-Constructs no longer require a machining table to butcher (they use the butcher's table now)
-Crystalloids and their constructs have their own blood now

-Crystalloids have their own backstories now, there are different backstories they can have depending on if they are loyalists or renegades.

V0.82 Pre-Release

-Added Cycle Cannon, Heavy Guardians can spawn with it (Extremely high fire rate bullet hose, but very low damage)
-Added Psionic Sniper, Unobtainable (Similar to the charge lance, fires 2 bullets at a time)
-Added Amplifier Sniper, craft or purchase only.
-Added Amplifier SMG, craft or purchase only.
-Changed Amplifier Rifle, different recipe, tuned

-Added Crystalloid Specialists, very powerfully geared crystalloids, the only beings who use psionic snipers
-Added Volatile Guardians, these guardians move quickly and engage in melee combat, they also explode when they die (as identically to boomrats, currently)
-Colossus range nerf (it was shooting much further than intended)
-Crystalloids should appear with better apparel now (especially true among the higher ranks)
-Crystalloids are now able to have bionic limbs (Currently bugged somehow, they will be unable to wear clothing after. Exploring solutions)
-Constructs can now be euthanized

-Crystalloids now have blueish skin, and purple/blue hair. (Made possible by Cpt.Ohu's Alien Races framework! Huge thanks)

-Added Crystal Silk, it is very light and defensive, but not good against the elements
-Added Stasis Beds, upgrade to the standard bed. It puts sleepers into a trance, giving them a much better night's sleep. Uses electricty and is much more expensive than a bed
-Added Soothing Emanator, addon to the stasis bed that further enhances sleep quality

V0.81 Pre-Release
-Changed texture for Large Amplifier Crystal
-Added Amplifier Crystal (Smelt Crystal -> Amplifier Crystal)
-Added Amplifier Helmet (Fragile helmet that emulates weak psionic ability, great for sharpshooters)
-Slightly buffed Colossus Cannon fire rate and splash radius
-Slightly nerfed Shard Launcher fire rate and damage
-Resource Crystal Sharp damage multiplier set to 1. (was 0.8)
-Various under the hood changes

V0.8 Pre-Release

Share ideas, I will read them all.

Huge thanks to Cpt.Ohu for making the Alien Races framework!

Download and unzip to rimworld's mod folder, then activate it in the mods menu in game.
Feel free to digest and re-purpose my xml editing to adapt to other projects.

Originally stemming off from an idea for an enemy type where melee would be preferred. This project has since evolved into what it is now. This is my first project on Rimworld, too.