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Topics - Zidane

Ideas / Ideas for Devs from past games
March 05, 2014, 06:37:21 PM
Hey so i'm new here.

First of, this subgenre of RPG/RTS hybrids has been far too much neglected and i congratulate the devs on developing a game such as this one.

I bring thee suggestions. They aren't practical suggestions, more like food for thought. I know the first post says if an idea isn't cheap it should be posted elsewhere, it doesn't really state where so i'll post it here. Move it/delete it as you wish, as long as the devs read it, i'll be happy.

Now i'm sensing the inner core idea of the game and i want to suggest the devs, in their own time, to play an oldie called "Original War". The game's concept goes hand in hand with your game, gameplay wise. It's about 5$ and i assure you it's totally worth it. It didn't make a lot of money and it's considered a gem in the shelf. I want to bring your attention to the class system, (maybe in the future) modular vehicle design, modular turret design and modular lab design. Maybe the sprite design. Honestly, pretty much everything in the game, just go check it out. You won't be really stealing anything since the devs of Original war long left the subgenre to pursue something else. It's a shame really.

The second game i'd like to bring to your attention is "Theme Hospital". This is a really old game and there's only one feature i wish to bring up, so i only recommend playing it if you really want to. Don't get me wrong, it's still an awesome game.

In Theme Hospital you had several doctors and you could train them to specialize in a determined area (or several if you so wished). There were 3 levels of knowledge a doctor could be - Junior, Doctor and Consultant. Only Consultants could teach other doctors, but would take no classes. Then you had specialties - Psychiatrist, surgeon and researcher. Consultants with any combination of these skills could pass them on to Juniors and Doctors, but as they spent time in the classroom they could reach consultant level before learning a specialty, so the catch was getting them as Juniors to get them to learn as many specialties as possible. The huge draw back was if you had doctors learning you had to pay them salary and they wouldn't be producing. I think it fits really well with this game if you adapt it - The idea speaks for itself. (I hope i didn't make it too confusing, i'm trying to make it as easy to read as possible)

Anyways, i'm already making a huge post so i'll just end here.

EDIT1: I left food for thought. Should you be interested in practical ideas please let me know. It's not really appropriate right now since you probably don't know the games i'm talking about.
I got one though, a "return home" button. When raiders are staging, it doesn't really make sense having your personnel across the map, so making them work exclusively inside the home region (either all of them or just individually) would be awesome.