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Messages - Sonsalt

Releases / Re: [1.0] Level Up! 1.0
April 05, 2019, 06:25:08 AM

This is what I found so far.

One final idea would be to show the lvl along with the animation. :P

Releases / Re: [1.0] Level Up! 1.0
April 05, 2019, 05:49:26 AM
@krafs great job!

You should also implement an animation that shows when a pawn is loosing a level.

Eventually, you can add also small icons to show what LVL up the pawn just aquired. :)
Suicide vests would be great for the AI to use :D

Maybe a strange cult....
Releases / Re: [1.0] What the Hack?!
March 24, 2019, 08:40:44 AM
awesome, what are the improvements?
Amazing work man, looking forward to the new features too :)
Unfinished / Re: [B18] Prison Labor
May 04, 2018, 05:54:11 AM
is it possible to reach a better compatibility with No Water, No Life mod ?
Issues with inter species pregnancies.

Since it appears that there are inter species pregnancies happening, that cause adult babies, I was wondering if one could add the following events to this:

1. Inter species pregnancy does not happen
2. Pregnancy fails at some point, causing medical conditions (thus needs abortion to prevent...)
3. Pregnancy cause abomination .... (Alien style baby :P)
4. Fatal result, Mother dies

The recent update for SKhardcore and your mod cause quite some issues sadly:


Lots of errors referring to an error in assembly loading.. caused by the childrens mod conflicting
Ideas / Discovery and Fog of War (FOW)
April 01, 2017, 08:02:03 AM
Idea: Introduce undiscovered areas and Fog of war.


Rimworld already partially uses a discovery system for hidden areas within Rocks and buildings, however the remaining Map is fully discovered and all active animals and units are always visible to the player. Since this game is focused on survival, adding the element of discovery and line of sight would further increase the immersion.

Gameplay Effects.

1. Discovery
Starting with an undiscovered map would provide the player with the opportunity to look for all kinds of mineral deposits, lakes etc. Step by step revealing the map and its hidden treasures.

2. Fog of War, line of sight
This is certainly the most ambitious part of the proposal. If all living creatures and also changes, like growth to plants etc are only visible within a line of sight element, several key aspects of the game-play would change quite drastically.

- Hunting would be much more also about finding the prey
- Ambushes and Sieges would be much more of a surprise
- Regular discovery would be required to discover new plants etc.

Changes to the AI

Like for many other RTS games (Starcraft2...) the AI would have to limit his engagement range and other tactical decisions. The line of sight would determine the attack range and the knowledge about defenses etc. would dictate the strategy.

Animal Hunting would also occur in a different manor, as animals would attack their prey within the line of sight, causing the hunter to be attacked by a bear if he steps within a certain range and the animal is hungry...

Research and Tools

By researching and unlocking technology items, like binoculars, Observation towers, motion tracking sensors etc, one could increase the line of sight.

- More tactical depth
- hunting and discovery become more urgent and surprising
- Attacks and defense is more based on reconnaissance
- A whole range of items can improve knowledge about the area and increase line of sight
- Improvements to performance on large maps

- Drastic changes to AI required
- Less control over what is happening on the map
- Players do not have full map knowledge at the beginning of the game
- Discovering and finding certain animals can become much harder.

One could implement Discovery and FoW or either one individually.

What do you think?
Just want to give a big shout out to the modmaker, this pack is absolutely insane, it shows what Rimworld can be and the potential.

I truly love how everything is much more about survival, how for the vast time of the beginning you have to hunt to survive and pick fruits.

Truly amazing, canĀ“t get enough of this!
Ideas / Re: Animal Kindom
January 02, 2017, 09:27:38 AM
Hmm, at least to me it felt quite disjointed. animals barely react to the presents of humans and I was not able to detect a pack behavior.. but maybe I did not look closely enough.

Thank you for your response :)
Ideas / Animal Kindom
January 02, 2017, 05:27:18 AM
Increase animal behavior immersion and variety by adding social interaction and type related behavior

One of the main struggles of surviving in the wilderness is to compete with the animal kingdom, either by living in harmony, (Taming, respecting territory...) or by dominating (domesticating, controlling).

If animals are more than just source for food and leather, the relationship towards them and the way the player sees them becomes much more deep and rewarding.

Animals should also attempt to avoid or seek human settlements.

1. Type Specific behavior

Animal Types:
Hunters -> hunt other animals to eat
- Small Hunters hunt smaller animals
- Large hunters hunt larger animals and also humans (Bears...)

Vegetarians -> (No changes to current setup)

2. Social interaction

1. Lone animals
- Single small and big animals that hunt or survive by them selves (Squirrels, Tigers, Bears...)

2. Packs
- Animals that move in groups (Wolfs, sheep, rats,
(Attacking one, might cause the pack to flee/ attack)

- Packs can wonder around and even choose to have a nice feast on your crops :P

3. Housing
Certain animals either keep nests, caves or other types of housing. Nearing these places will make the animals attack.

4. Cups, adults and more
Introducing smaller and larger types of the same animal could serve a family behavior...

To what extend this idea should be implemented is dependent on how much effort it certainly is. However having animals behave in a more logical fashion would greatly benefit the immersion over the current (Mad animal) trigger.