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Topics - saleem285

Ideas / A new idea suggestion..
August 10, 2017, 12:23:26 PM
I recently had an idea , in the world map we see lots of bases for the same faction , i thought what if we could implement the same thing here , you can "liberate/conquer" bases and when they become yours they will usually send silver, tribute , food or even technology if you are a tribe , you can order them to fight for you, it basically becomes a strategy game , people might not like this sort of thing and it is understandable ... What is different from making 2 colonies is that you cant enter the bases you own ( since it will be too demanding for the game to run and generate) , what do you think about this?

expanding the idea further , each colony will be given a bonus based on its location (by the river, in a mountainous area, in an extremely hot or cold area, heavily fortefied, has many colonists, ​etc...
Based on these tynan will make a rating system for the "toughness" of a base , meaning how hard it would be to conquer it , your caravan will also be given a rating "strength" system .. if you capture the colony you will own it and get stuff from it frequently , it will act as a safe spot, and can even support your caravan by giving you guns ,temporary "fighting colonists" , mortar shells ...
Being closer to your bases will give you resources more frequently , water can also be used as a resource for strategic purposes​ (slowing enemies or even hindering them) , needs (drinking , hygiene, bladder) or even ships that form caravans , so water serves multiple purposes.

Also the ability to make colonies remains but every colony you make will "consume" the caravan and become an autonomous base (non enterable), this base will do the same effect as other captured bases, the difference is that it will be developing ,so overtime it will give you more recources and more support, by this even the idea of babies can be implemented so that when the base "over populates" you can make a caravan and construct another colony near you.

Of course these colonies would include events like raids, disease and such that would even go as far as to destroy the colony.

i hope tynan implements part of these ideas , i know it is hard but doable , and less demanding for the cpu than generating "live" colonies and such..