pack animals sleep on incident map causing them to just... get lost

Started by mlzovozlm, August 08, 2021, 06:43:43 AM

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this happened to me a few times already
the donkeys/horses decided they want to have a little nap on ancient complex maps, so when i have to manually march the pawns out at the map edge, *buzzzz* [caravan lost] 🤬
and there's no way for you to wake them up aside from stabbing them
so...pack animals, especially the pen ones should wake up and go off into world map if no other pawn is in the map,
or there should be an option/order for the pawn to wake them up without stabbing them, and the map should remain should you dont notice the animals went to sleep and left with all the pawns,until a pawn re-enter and wake them up
or a pawn leaving the map should trigger the animals towake up, then leave as per usual like when they're awake