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Messages - BinkyThePirate

Quote from: Canute on December 29, 2021, 12:51:32 PM
Sorry, maybe a translation problem.
Butcher slaughter animals.
Hunter hunting animals.
Quotehunter normaly haul their prey corpse back to the base.
If they don't do that you maybe don't have any stockpile for corpses or it is full. You should check that.

Handlers are the ones who actually slaughter the animals, cooks just butcher the corpses.

Handlers don't automatically haul the carcass after killing like hunters do, but there's probably a mod out there to modify the handlers' behavior so they haul after slaughter.
Support / Freeze on Save and Exit
January 19, 2022, 01:09:48 PM
Playing Permadeath, no Ideology or Royalty, game has started freezing when I click save & exit, either to menu or OS. My mod list hasn't changed and used to exit just fine. It saves the game fine, so it's more of a nuisance than anything, but still... No idea what's different, any thoughts?
General Discussion / Re: Saving Mod Lists
September 17, 2017, 08:02:19 PM
Quote from: dburgdorf on September 17, 2017, 05:42:24 PM
There's also "Mod List Backup," which allows you to save/load various lists of mods.

ModListBackup was removed by the author yesterday. Hence, bad timing.
Ideas / Re: Suggestion for your favourite colonists
September 16, 2017, 09:09:16 AM
I'm almost positive I've seen a mod that lets you restart with your previous colonists on a new map.

General Discussion / Re: Diseases are really annoying.
August 27, 2017, 09:37:28 PM
Quote from: mebe on August 27, 2017, 06:47:57 PM
Can honestly say I've never used Pen and not found diseases much of a problem.

Same. Never once used Penoxcycline, never lost a colonist to disease. Building real hospital beds vs. regular beds designated as medical does make a big difference in immunity development, though, in my experience. Also always give my hospital sterile tile floors, don't know how big a difference that makes.
Mac layout of Visual Studio seems slightly different. For Windows, clicking on 'Build' from the menu tree on your left would bring up the Build properties tab, where you can set the options mentioned. Check under the 'Output' sub-menu, that might let you change the output path and give you the No Debugging Info option. But that's just a guess. Maybe someone with VS for Mac can offer more help. It's probably inside one of those sub-menus under Build, though.
Yes, torches as well. I use them when branch-mining so my miners don't have to spend hours in the dark, but haulers end up wasting wood and time refueling them long after that area's mined out since deconstructing is such a low priority for builders.
This is a very useful intro to modding basics, and for the most part I know enough xml and C# to get what's going on in it, but with the 'var plagueOnPawn' section I'm not really clear on what is happening, just retyping what's there in the tutorial without really understanding why. Could someone give a basic rundown of what's actually going on there?
Thinky 3, my (3rd) researcher. She survived malaria, infestations, poison ships, even a frag grenade to the face during a sapper raid...

Went for a walk and got eaten by a cougar.