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Messages - Ambaire

Quote from: rkade8583 on June 25, 2018, 08:18:22 AM
Can I request a tool to allow me to mine an entire node? Or make steel easier to see? As is, I'm having to dev-mode it to mine full nodes and, frankly, steel is way harder to see than it needs to be (especially around granite and sandstone at least for me. I have the same problem with Uranium and Marble.)

Yeah, some of the mineable resources are way too hard to see, at least for me. Especially since I play on a 1440p monitor and the default zoom has everything ant-sized. How hard would it to do a graphical mod that would essentially make uranium/compacted x 'pop out' against the background terrain? I'd even consider inverted colors for them.
Why did the difficulty names get changed? The system in .18 and previous was fun and unique.

Now it gets changed to this boring thing?

Please consider reverting this change. It wasn't needed...

edit: at the very least, revert it on the English versions. I understand that stuff may not translate well, but that's no reason to change the untranslated version.
Bugs / [1.0.1942] Memory leak detected
June 22, 2018, 12:38:37 PM
Getting this error randomly in the debug log.

Memory leak detected: map (Map-0) is still live when it shouldn't be, this map will not be mentioned again

Regarding the decision to make items decay when outside but still under a roof, I feel that this may have been implemented hastily. Please see this image for details. The survival meal on the right is fine, despite being in a 3x3 enclosure with doors held open, but the survival meal on the left is decaying, despite 9 tiles between it and the outside.

I would like to suggest that it be changed to if an item is within 2 tiles of the outside, decay is possible. Closed door? Fine. Held open door? Better have 2 tiles of roof extending or it will decay anyway. Single wall pillar with 5 tiles of roof on each side? Items within 2 tiles of the edge can decay.
Please see these images for details. In #1, I have ordered a pawn to move to the selected tile. In #2, you can see the pawn taking a roundabout way and only pathing through the construction at the closest approach.

And then in #3, a larger version, with pawns supplying resources to a construction. Note the exceedingly time wasting path the supplier is taking to get more resources.
The new un/forbid tool is a nice addition. Would it be possible to let it affect construction ghosts as well? I like doing extensive planning of my starting base before beginning construction, and it's a bit painful to manually forbid every single ghost that I don't want constructed yet. I know about doubleclick to select a group but it's still limited and indiscriminate.