[A18] Pathing Pawn Interrupts Wall Construction, Bug or WAD?

Started by Aerial, November 06, 2017, 10:26:07 AM

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Several times in  A18 I have observed that when a pawn passes through a half-constructed wall segment while another pawn is working on constructing it, the constructor pawn is interrupted and will abandon the construction job as if it were completed and select a new job.  It only happens if the pathing pawn walks directly through the segment under construction while it is being constructed.  Is this a bug or intended change?

I have not had time to do any dedicated testing but it should be fairly easy to recreate:

1) Build an enclosed structure with one opening.   Have pawn A being construction on the final segment.
2) While the four quadrants of the wall segment are filling in to show progress on the construction, direct pawn B to enter the structure.  (In my observations, I have only seen the interruption when the pawns were auto-pathing so I am not sure it will also happen if they're drafted, but that would be the easier test.  If it doesn't happen then, some finagling will be necessary to get them to choose their own path through the construction - maybe by putting the only food inside.)

Expected result:  Pawn A continues construction until wall segment is completed.

Observed result:  Pawn A abandons construction and selects a new task.  Pawn must be manually re-directed to finish the wall segment.

Yoshida Keiji

This is something new that has turn annoying indeed. I'm in Tropical Swamp now so I'm catering a large horde of tamed animals, and whenever they walk over a wall building in progress, the construction stops.

It can also be easily tested when you try to build an armchair for an Intellectual working on a research bench while both the constructor and the researcher are both in daytime...