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Messages - Ermantis

If you look in the changelog, it seems Tynan has heard you ;)

QuoteApril 21
Tuning: Healing is slower. More time between raids. Effective farming now takes more space (reduce turtling).
So I was just wondering... Would planting a landmine in the middle of a corps-dumping stockpile make them disapear as grenades do ?
Can't try now, but was wondering...
That would make an easy way to get rid of them bodies !
Mods / Re: [REQUEST]/[IDEA]
April 23, 2014, 05:31:16 AM
What. The. Heck.
I haven't understood a WORD of what you tried to say.
Mods / Re: [Mod Idea] Knock, knock, who's there?
April 23, 2014, 05:26:20 AM
Already has been proposed plenty of times ;)
It will probably happen soon :)
Mods / Re: "Project Sky" Testboard
April 22, 2014, 10:36:40 AM
Man that looks great... Could we know a bit more about it so i know if I would join the team ? :3
Ideas / Re: Lots of different things
April 22, 2014, 06:10:29 AM
-Command to tell colonists to eat and sleep.

Nope. Nopenopenope. NOPE.

Come on man, we are not playing the Sims, we are playing Rimworld. We only order minimum things, and the rest is decided by the colonist, not you.
"Alter, the silver-lover-god has revealed himself to one of your colonist. He will now try to sacrifice your silver to please his god !"

So… I’ve already seen a thread about religions around there, but it included the IA being gods which is not the idea I would like to explore.
As psychology is, religion could give a great and deep dimension to the game.
Look, you have tribes of natives throwing rocks at you, colonies from distant planets living next to you, and raiders, all around. Plus: your crew, different people from different horizons. And you would like to tell me that NONE of them believes in anything? Please…

So that’s how I see things:

GODS â€"
There is a bunch of gods, all which would want a way to pray them :
-   simple morning prayers 
-   prayers 3 times a day
-   unauthorized to eat things (meat, vegetables)
-   unauthorized to kill things (human, animals)
-   has to sacrifices object (metal, silver, etc)
-   has to sacrifice vegetable
-   has to sacrifice animal
-   Human sacrifices.
Plus, some gods might want their follower to pilgrimage, making them absent from the base for a week or two, sometimes never to come back…

Each religious colonist would have a satisfaction malus if they can’t serve their god well. And of course, sometime it’s better to kill a colonist than to let him murder your all base to a god… ;)
Some of your colonist might have no faith. But can be converted to some god: tribal coming to visit the colony could talk one of yours into their faith, for example.
Having a colony dedicated to a god could have you better relations with other tribes or colonies, or worst, if those gods are enemies…
Finally, building hostel to pray some of the gods could please your colony, and you might even want to turn your colony in a god loving monastery dedicated to sacrificing other people… #MUAHAHAHA

Although the player doesn’t have a hand on when to pray gods or how, praying gods could still have impact on how the game goes.
A colonist that has been really faithfull lastly could have a invisible bonus (invisible cause faith should be questioned ! ;) ) making him more precise, more healthy, more efficient at stuffs… And a bad believer would have negative stuffs happening to him, that could impact all the colony (giving your crops a dicease…)

So here you go, let’s talk about this. I’ve tried to make it clear and to show how it could make the game deep. There is no point arguing about religious beliefs or what, we are only talking about deepening the game, and I don’t see any way this could not be a good idea.
Inb4 atheists getting mad.
Ideas / Re: Change game control ??
April 21, 2014, 03:55:53 AM
All shift Doesn't work with rim world, plus I like to keep it alerts so I can type stuffs on Google when needed... So yep, would still like a zqsd/wasd switch :)
Ideas / Change game control ??
April 18, 2014, 11:00:29 AM
Hey, AZERTY player here... Using WASD doesn't work well here so... Is there a way you could externalize the control configuration so we can modify them ourself ? (In a xml file or something)
This would be a temporary solution while waiting for an option to modify control ingame...

That would help a lot if we could personnalize them =)

Thanks !

PS : Maybe is it already possible. If so, could anyone tell me how ? I've not found any thread on this forum about this...
Darn, I don't have git installed here... Anyone could do it for me ? :3
Stories / Re: Expedition Logs: The Scythe
April 18, 2014, 10:22:34 AM
No more, it should end this way. I cried a little.
Thanks for that story =)
Lol, atheists being atheists in this thread.
You have a GREAT idea, OP. +1 From me, I laughed hard reading you scenarios xD
Ideas / Re: Facial expressions, gifs, zoom-ins.
April 18, 2014, 09:34:04 AM
Me... Although the idea of seeing people's feeling on their face could be a good idea, I don't like the rest. Why do you want better graphism ? This game is definitly not about graphism, is it ?
Ideas / Re: visitor zone, safety zone
April 18, 2014, 09:31:22 AM