How can I customize a simulated battle?

Started by xhwzth1215, September 23, 2020, 12:10:13 AM

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Hi guys, I've been playing rimworld on and off for a few years now. Sometimes when I get a bit bored with colony management I would just randomly start a gun fight through spawning pawns from enemy factions in developer's mode. It's pretty fun to watch plus I can observe effects of different armors and weapons. However, there are a few limitations that I seemingly couldn't quite work around just through dev mode. Here's a list of things I wish I can do, either through dev mode or mods:

1. Designate groups of pawns as opposing teams
-So far I can only come close by directly spawning pawns from different factions. However that would mean that I can't get, say, a group of pirates to attack another group of pirates, since they belong to the same faction.
-Objective: Easily designate a group of pawns as enemies of another group
2. Prevent pawns from abandoning fight and leaving map
-Human pawns sometimes have the tendency to exit the map instead of engaging in a fight. It is especially true when I tried to edit character faction in character edit mod. They would just approach the nearest edge of the map, ignoring enemies firing at them.
-Objective: Force pawns to (hunt down and) engage pawns from enemy group on the current map if any is present
3. Spawning identical, preset pawns
-When I want to try out a certain armor, weapon or combo, it would be great to spawn a group of pawns with the exact same stats and gears. However I couldn't locate an option in dev mode for me to do that. Loading character presets in character edit mod is just too exhausting.
-Objective: Mass produce identical preset pawns

I welcome any ideas, either through the use of dev mode features or external mods. Thanks!