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Topics - tmo97

General Discussion / lmao why does this happen
November 08, 2020, 06:25:22 PM
See those bushes?
We want those berries.
Me too. I'll go get them.

botches 1 berry bush
gets hungry, walks to base
eats the last 2 berries
???? i feel bored now
plays game of ur for 1 second
t i m e  t o  r e s t

what is this
Off-Topic / happy new year soon i guess
November 07, 2020, 06:24:37 PM

I'm not the nicest person alive, but this is unwarranted.
If I'm such a small child, why would you treat me this way?
No matter how hurtful I am, a mod should not 'go down to my level' - blame me for what you chose to do? Are you not a moderator, supposed to be in control o
A moderator should not be allowed to get away with this, unless the higher ups
Who let this guy 'slap people who make mods around'?
He also does not ban anyone who mocks me because they take his side.
Is mocking allowed? Then why am I not allowed to mock him?
Ramsis is a flaming hypocrite. If you allow forum moderators to personally mock people, how can any one look up to your reign?
Ramsis is the literal equivalent of a cop who can shoots your dog because he has the perfect excuse.

You let him use his position as a forum moderator to hurt those who break rules that he does not abide with.
Why would I ever care about losing access to such a toxic forum? Your punishments are mockable, which is why you find it hard.

If this forum really needs an explanation of why pushing back is wrong, then punish me, and proves you understand. And know,
Even if nothing is done about toxic moderation, - you don't remember why
Mods / [mod request] more metals
April 19, 2019, 01:31:15 PM
moar metals pl0x

a vast variety of materials, metals

mithril, quartz, enchanted gold

emphasis on recklessly large variety

ha ha i love metal

Mods / Chemistry! [Mod Request]
January 19, 2018, 03:23:48 PM
I have no idea what to type here, I just hope the idea excites you as much as it does to me.

Just basic degenerates of real life chemical operations, reorganised to provide a sensible way of doing it.

Make hydrogen, oxygen and store them in 'the' gas tank, because multiple types of gas tanks are performance draggy.?!.,
Have chlorine that you can build into grenades that are basically smokepops but worse.
Get a box in which you can destroy stuff chemically to obtain various materials.
Allow your colonists to build fantastical materials, such as custom alloys.
I'd love if this mod would work together with cupro's alloys.
Have a workbench that can produce an alloy that mixes the properties of both materials in the ratio provided, with some custom effects added ofcourse.
For example, mix copper and plasteel for something that somehow also takes from the properties of silver.
It would also allow you to work leather by being ridiculous and infusing materials into it somehow.
Make thermites with oxides and metals, make acids, have these things either accidentally or purposely destroy the soil. Dissolve bodies, make methane or even extract calcium phosphate from their bones. Create actual physical weapon systems that aren't blocks that pretend they have mechanisms in them by making copper/zinc/copper/zinc walls (or something).
It could even work together with rimatomics. I want my plutonium copper thermite explosive.

What about a cheaper, alternative way to make components, that balances itself by having you need a laboratory with the required equipment? I'm not suggesting (just) a workbench, (god, another one) I'm suggesting actual devices with mechanics.

You could throw intermediant production chemicals at your enemies for makeshift weapons.
Your chemicals would get destroyed during a raid creating a horrible mess.
You could convert valuable chemicals to less valuable chemicals to reduce value, and then when a tradeship comes round, you quickly make all the chemicals, since you invested in having the right equipment to do so, and make a big profit without all the risk that value brings you.
There would be new horrors for rimworld doctors to face. Wouldn't want to even imagine a burnt pelvis, or how it happened, but now at least there's the possibility.
If you wanna get basic, add a new research for chemfuel that allows you to build volatile materials and a stronger (but downsided) generator.

Vaporize rock with your glittertech explosives, evaporate water with clever hygroscopics, have excuses for new drugs or alternative ways to produce them.

Work your swords with acids and bases to mend them, irreversibly break plasteel into its component resources, ofcourse without disclosing the main elemental ingredient that tynan would want to imagine his plasteel is made of.

Clot wounds in combat, make drugs that do it for you later when you got the tech.
I'm basically just showing you what chemistry can do for you here - this is awesome and I hope you see it the same way!

Like I said, I don't know what to write here, I just hope the idea excites you as much as it does for me.
Ideas / make fleeing less of a bad decision please.
January 04, 2018, 04:47:40 PM
i want a replacement for the combat mechanic where you get hit and it makes you walk slower for 3 whole seconds. fleeing is basically sacrificing the 2 extra damage you couldve done - you're better off literally just fighting to the death because running never works. it just doesn't work, even if the things are way, way slower than you. it makes movement speed only relevant outside of melee combat.

i should be able to escape from scarabs ffs.

i just ragequit and this is the most annoying thing about combat in this game. the previously most annoying thing was dying to an infection from a hare scratch, but that's mitigated since i can tend myself now.
Ideas / get all the berries
January 04, 2018, 01:22:54 PM
also, if you happen to find 2 berries on your way home carrying 8 berries and your path crosses within a 7 cell diameter, don't make me click on them  :P
Ideas / more naming variety
January 04, 2018, 01:06:24 PM
Please. Not all primitive civilizations lived in south america. Please stop naming everything xiuacoxiagoxiaeljefe itluahican oxoxox. I'm tired of seeing everything mexicanized. Please add some variety so I don't get my vibe broken by a reminder that you live in america.

if there was a sombrero emoticon it'd be here now.
Ideas / stockpiling meals on tables
January 29, 2017, 02:15:18 PM

Basically this.
Ideas / Partial Mining!
January 29, 2017, 02:10:32 PM
How about changing the mining system up so that you get a certain amount of ore depending on how much you've mined of the block?

Instead of making tinted rock explode into steel at hitting 0hp. Say, spit out 1/8th of the potential of ore in the block for every 12,5% you've mined of it, next to the block or directly into the miner's inventory.

Get that extra 5 steel you need, without waiting 3 hours for your sloppy miner to break apart over 1000kg of rock, so you can cover up the fact that you're bad at colony planning!  ::)
Mods / Mod idea - anti-tedium
October 23, 2016, 11:16:17 AM
How about a mod that fixes little things that we're micromanaging for no good reason?
-500 potatoes lying around in the rain that literally never get hauled.
-colonists bleeding out instead of getting rescued by the doctor who had to go on a long walk and eat his fine meal first.
-playing the game, I had tons of ideas to put here, but now I just have two.
Mods / [Mod request] Custom Biomes
August 28, 2015, 03:39:43 PM
Something I've noticed is the complete absence of map generator mods. What if we could make a map that contain lots and lots of metallic resources, but also is nearly completely slate and has a surface temperature of around 60 degrees, maybe to simulate a volcanic biome, or a hellish one. I got the idea when I accidentally 2000C'd a prisoner :P
I tried searching for a bit, but I only found an old alpha 3F mod which is called Fertile Plains, and reverse engineering isn't doing much help. If the knowledge on how to make biomes and custom maps was to be made publicly available, I believe we would have a great surge in mods.
It would allow for some really interesting scenario's much in the same way the IceSheet biome did with its top cold of -110C.

It would also add to the idea that you're on an alien planet, not on some gene manipulated Earth clone.

Apologies if the syntax made it hard to read, it's kind of late but I really wanted to share this idea.
Mods / Mod Idea - Revival
April 04, 2015, 04:45:16 PM
Okay, here goes, I have no idea how to mod this, but I think it might be a really good idea since it hasn't been done before (at least to the extent of my knowledge) and I haven't found any mods that do anything of the sorts.

It's a simple concept, not sure if it can be done, but I don't see why not: Revival.

Let's say you have a colonist with whom you have a created a sentimental bond with. Don't deny it, I know some of you guys are huge nerds. As am I, so there's no point in further conversation about that subject. But I digress. He/she dies. You're sad, and you're thinking "Damn, if I had paused at that moment, then this would've happened and..." etcetera; the first thing you think after that is "is there any way to get them back to life?"

Sadly, there is not. Maybe with modding skills, there can be a way :D

So, I don't want to portray myself as lazy, but I am currently trying to figure out how to mod the basic stuff, but until then this might be a better option.