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Messages - racarate

General Discussion / Re: First Impressions
February 27, 2014, 07:59:45 PM
Yes, although l think I stopped paying attention because like the letters they would tell me something after I had already done it.  I haven't figured it out yet -- is there a replay file saved anywhere?  I'd like to watch how I played too.  It was very late at night!
General Discussion / First Impressions
February 27, 2014, 05:20:10 AM
Hey gang!  I backed the kickstarter but only now am getting around to playing the game.  It's pretty cool to see the increase in popularity of dorflikes, and simulationist designs in general.

Anyways, I like to play a game just without reading instructions first just to be a little contrarian.  So, giving that I was playing intentionally naive, here's a quick breakdown of my first impressions.

- It was really late and I swear the planet on the title screen was rotating.  Apparently, it is not.
- I couldn't read any of the tooltip text for the life of me.  It gave me flashbacks to CEGUI.
- The first thing I checked out was the options menu.  I entered some names but they weren't used.
- I started a game.  It took me a minute to understand the camera moves but I liked the speed.  I especially liked the zoom-in and zoom-out, but the acceleration on mouse-near-edge felt janky.
- I was reminded of Jagged Alliance when looking at everybody's stats and started to wonder if I would have colonists who intrinsically hated each other.
- I decided there were too many stats to keep track of for the moment and started to treat each colonist individually.
- It took about ten minutes to realize I had to hit 'F' to make things unforbidden.  This was sort of the first thing that bummed me out.
- My guys collected some stuff, then I started to build.  I found the solar battery and made some cannons, Protoss-style.  I also made a wall but it never got built.
- I just realized this is the most boring post in the world!  Sorry, I love to give and hear first impressions.  Long story short, first two games I understand how to move the camera around, build cannons and advance time.  I have no idea how to feed my colonists.  I thought I build at nutrient thing, connected it to electricity and placed a hopper next to it but both games ended in dying of starvation.   I look forward to playing again.  The highlight of the experience was definitely fending off a raider with auto-cannons.  Also the weather effects were strangely poignant.  The lowlight was the frustration of do-nothing right clicks (had to hit F), dying of starvation and reading letters about what was going to happen after it had in fact happened.  It could be that I was spamming the fast-forward buttons though.


P.S. Is there a game-replay-save-file stored anywhere?
Bugs / [M|363] Funky Shadow Graphics
February 27, 2014, 05:05:26 AM
Version Found - 363
Title - Shadows look funky
Summary - It looks like the dynamic shadows are busted.  It's the shadows that move as the sun sets.
Steps to Reproduce - Start a game and fast-forward time.  Notice the shadows getting longer as the sun sets.   Found on a MacBook Air with Intel HD4000 GPU.

P.S. The forum prevented me from uploading the png file of the error so I had to convert to a jpeg.  Perhaps you can raise the attachment size limit so it is easier to upload screenshots of bugs without going through an extra step.'

P.P.S. Crap! The jpeg is too large as well.  I guess you will have to take my word for it?