Can't edit psychology with EdB Prepare Carefully (No psych button)

Started by xhwzth1215, May 06, 2019, 09:15:13 AM

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Recently I decided to pick up Rimworld once more, only to find that something is wrong with my psych mod and PC mod. Normally you can edit psych by clicking prepare carefully than click the head icon next to background story, but this time the icon is gone--no button what so ever. So at first I wonder if that's an upgrade of the mod, but it's clearly not. I tried using B19 versions, doesn't work. Disabling every mod but hugslib, psych and PC, no luck. Rearranging also didn't work. Did anyone also ran into similar problems? Any idea why that is? A screenshot is attached below.
FYI Psych seems to be working partially--refer to screen shot 2, the button for viewing psych still works.

[attachment deleted due to age]


Raising the age doesn't seem to work. The button is missing regardless of whether the pawn has an adulthood back story.


Can anyone send screenshots of their v1.0 combo of PC and Psychology working? Perhaps the game's version, mod configurations, and edit panel in PC mode? Perhaps that would help me compare and figure out what is out of place.


Sorry i misunderstood you at first, i though you mean the adulthood which didn't show up.
Try to use the version for 2059 version
Then the "head" button show up.


 :D That actually worked! You are absolutely amazing @Canute! Now I get to enjoy messing around with the psych of my characters again lol. But seriously, thanks.
FYI Another alternative is available: Enable Dev Mode and you can edit psych in game in the psych panel! (Click dev edit), the downside is that you have to do that every time you start a game, even if playing with the same characters.