Connecting Settings to Item Properties

Started by ledzilla, February 18, 2024, 04:21:15 PM

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I'm working on building a mod mostly for my own use, maybe for shared release down the road. Everything in it can be classified as offensive/defensive. I have the XML all worked out for the items, and I have .NET worked out to manage the settings. However, I am rather unclear how to go about using the settings to modify certain item properties. Nothing I've been able to find so far has shed any real light on that. To be more specific, my settings values are sliders. I want to apply the slider value directly to one item property and then perform a calculation based on that value to set another property.

I'm just really unclear on exactly what needs to be done to read in a specific setting value and then write to the item property. I think most of the issue is correctly setting class properties and inter-class references. I'm not inexperienced with .NET, but what I've done in the past is quite different.