Randy Random=Phoebe Friendly?

Started by ble210, August 19, 2014, 03:27:24 PM

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To me it SEEMS that Randy is still weighted like Cassie. As in, when your colony is small you will never be attacked by an overwhelmingly large number of pirates. But maybe they will attack twice in short succession.

This is good balance IMO, because having a wave of 8 pirates attack you one week in would just not be fun or challenging at all.


Quote from: TinnedEpic on August 24, 2014, 07:19:08 AM
I think Randy still has the challenge progression, it's just his events happen at randomly timed intervals and do not follow any sort of pattern, they are just random. Otherwise I'm 90% sure his raid's sizes will still grow like Cassandra's and Pheobe's will. Randy can either be a cakewalk or an unforgiving menace, but make no mistake eventually he will eventually kill you just like the other 2 will.

In other news Pheobe is diabolical now! 1 year, 1 month in i'm facing 11 centipedes armed with heavy weapons and 5 scythers during a drop raid. She is no long the sweet, innocent woman we've known her to be....

Oh yeah! what was the line she said again.. um
Quote from: Phoebe Friendly"Can't we all just get along? I don't want a story that makes me feel tense all the time. Let's make one about DEATH and DESTRUCTION."


Quote from: Rahjital on August 19, 2014, 05:12:35 PMAs for Cassandra being a killer: you don't HAVE to fight the raiders, you know. Sometimes it's better to let the raiders do some redecorating while you watch from a safe distance.

You know, I have never once thought to do this in a colony. That's a good tip. Also sounds beautiful for RP in the succession thread ;)

Quote from: litlbear on August 19, 2014, 06:54:05 PM
lol do you play on builder mode or casual? otherwise you're lying.  i play randy with Challenge on and I barely survive the raids.

HK-47 Says: "Alternative: Maybe you just suck at the game, meatbag."


I play randy on serious challenge and in the first month got 2 or 3 raids not much 2 months later I get a big raid from the pirates they were with about 30-40 people in between the attackes not much happend. Some traiders arrived 2 resource pods crashed and thats it. Then 6 months later randy decides to crashland a crashed ship at the middle of the map, I thought meh probably 5-7 scyters and 6-8 centepides and then suddenly he decides to give me an another attack at the same time I thought meh some tribe people or pirates not such a challenge. Then I looked....mechs O.0 big group CRAP! sometimes he sends very few after me sometimes OP groups :P