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Messages - Adoelrome

Mods / [A16] techtree, many mods, other stuff..
January 05, 2017, 10:33:06 PM
look, guys, i've done such a thing ..
each iteration of this game (like KSP or project zomboid) i do big assembly of bunch of mods (104 right now).
and, as you know, if you apply a lot of mods and open research tab, you will see an example of perfect chaos.
So i decided to bring a little order on this anarchy island.. and as i plunged into the editing, i began to link the projects in a manner that i would consider logical.
or, if u want, like "Civilization"-game series.
so now it is a big-long tech tree where each tech follows from another and is linked to the following.

But that's not all. another merging, as usual:
- re-link recipes to one type workbench (no need 100500 workbenches to use all recipes (except tiers ofc));
- binding obvious things from different mods (coal with all wood-fuel users, for example);
- other little things like "why the @#$% i can not construct it of a (wood/stone/steel/other material)? it is the religious taboo?";
- other small things that now I can not remember all (that seems logical or obvious to me).
in other words, i just rework the game by myself so that it is logical and convenient.

it's quite a lot of work about 10-15 hours in the last week in total (100+ mods merged and i add something every day).
and once i have just thought: it's only my game or may it be used by other people?
can this be useful? is it interesting to someone else?

other links to techtree if the forum suddenly doesn't open the picture:

oh, it was torture - merge mod again (am making merge about 105+ (tech map, workstations, etc.) mods and the number of edits is huge xD ).
but i found the difference, ofcourse it is the smeltable tag. thanks to u a lot.
and it is not about materials ofc))
if i was cleverer, i would correct it myself.
but i was pretty sure that the bug was brought by me, while merging. xD

another question, if i'm posting here)
why you haven't added something like 'atefinemeal' to your hearty stew?
i think ppl should be rewarded for their work. or, from an economic point of view, we r making more expensive production for little mood bonus (otherwise here s no sense and difference between weak and hearty stew)
Guuys, i did a strange thing. maybe u can help me, please)

matter is that i can not smelt weapons in blacksmith's smelter, but only steel weapons.
i mean, here s no problem with plasteel knife for example - all is fine.
but if i try to smelt something steel - i see only "need materials".
my stores have overwhelmed with steel weapons))
and i absolutely can not find where i could prohibit this material x.x
Outdated / Re: [A16] BlackFuel
December 31, 2016, 09:27:03 PM
encountered a strange problem with coal campfire - cannot cook.
and if you will click on "anybody" button - nothing happens.
i checked and compared all xml-data with other campfires (that works well) - no significant differences.
wtf - i dont know.
also added recipes from VG and others - it is shown, but my cook still refuse to cook on it.

but along with it i have added coal to all burn-based facilities - braziers, smelters, forges, other campfires - this works well.
a great alternative to wood.
Releases / Re: [A16] SeedsPlease!
December 31, 2016, 08:34:00 PM
Found no usable data when trying to get defs from file OverrideTraders.xml

Who knows why this error?
As I understand it, this should be added the seed to merchants.
and I have never seen seeds from the merchants.
How to get the seeds, which are not present on the planet, nor the merchants?
Exception reading Races_Animal_Megabadger.xml as XML: System.Xml.XmlException: 'defaultCooldownTime' is expected  Line 16, position 51.


the only thing that I do not know the correct - time on the left or ticks on the right)
by additional errors found: there must be "Time".
Outdated / Re: [A15/A16] Enhanced Crafting
December 27, 2016, 09:52:50 AM
I just can not figure out where to download it?
As I understand, steam doesn't allow to download something if you aren't registered.
And your release on github contains only the source code.

Can you add the assembled release so that it can be downloaded?
You can do it right on the github, as it done here: example
When you release it just below there is an item "add file".
And there you can attach any archive.
You're still soft. I reduced it all to -10. Because it's f#ckin cheats.
You must wear yourself in the damned lot of things that really do not freeze.
And not so that you wear on one parka and can go naked in -50C.

But the modifier it was a good idea, thank you.
Creative Rewards / Professions
January 31, 2014, 06:55:34 AM
Just want to tell you, dears, that Short Title some are too short.

Your job ideas:
how to reduce them?

Not all miners, damn it.