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Topics - Instill


How can i add a new MentalStateOf in the static class MentalStateOf

Quotenamespace RimWorld
   public static class MentalStateDefOf
      public static MentalStateDef Berserk;

      public static MentalStateDef DazedWander;

      public static MentalStateDef BingingAlcohol;

      public static MentalStateDef PanicFlee;

      public static MentalStateDef Manhunter;

      public static MentalStateDef ManhunterPermanent;

      public static MentalStateDef SocialFighting;

      public static MentalStateDef GiveUpExit;

                (-- New def here --)

      public static void RebindDefs()
pawn.mindState.mentalStateStarter.TryStartMentalState(MentalStateDefOf.-- My new def here --);

thank :P
Outdated / [A13] UpCrafter - Mining extractor 1.3
April 16, 2016, 10:12:22 PM
UpCrafter - Mining extractor 1.3

This mod add a new way to get resource.

Minable ground vein
Vein are added on rocky ground wich can be harvested with extractor. They can be hidden under mineable rock, (Available after Smithing research)

New ore
Coal ore
(Coal can be used in the fuel generator)

New material
Refined steel (craftable with the smelter from steel and coal)

Download link

Changelog 1.3 (New game required dont work with version 1.2)
Undone alot of stuff from previous version to keep thing simple.
+Added refined steel recipe in the smelter (good for weapon crafting and creating strong wall)

Changelog 1.2
+Added iron ingot recipe
+Changed starting resource
+Steel ingot now require iron ingot and coal
+Fixed mineable iron ore frequency (increased)
(iron ingot material quality is lower than the core game steel, steel ingot is higher)

Changelog 1.1
+Increased coal ore starting resource
+Added a recipe to burn wood to coal
+Fixed silver vein producing jade

Cant build the multi analyser...
Mods / Looking for art
September 07, 2015, 10:49:53 PM

Im looking for a building that go over this like an extractor.

Can you beat mine?