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Messages - danielcb114

I'm glad that DLC is being developed, but they really should have given modders more notice. I know there's a modding update guide, but it's still a lot of work to update your mods. It's only been 8 days since 1.1 was released (on unstable)--1 weekend.

When 1.1 was announced, I made slow plans to update my mods. Now that the DLC is added, everybody with mods is getting spammed and pressured to update their mods ASAP. Most modders have full-time day jobs, many have kids, families, etc. You're going to burn people out quickly if you start making this standard practice. At least give people a month, or don't release the DLC to every entitled "pro gamer" that's going to start spamming people...have a closed beta, or something.

I've got it pretty easy, since I only have one simple C# mod to update, and a few XML mods. There are creators with full-time jobs and many mods that use hugslib, harmony, etc. They're not having a great time right now, and this kind of sudden stress burns people out.

I hope there's more DLC and updates for RimWorld, and I don't want this to become standard practice. Please, try to give people at least a month to update their mods before releasing major DLCs to the public.