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Messages - A_Deer

Ideas / Re: Multiplayer
April 14, 2015, 02:10:23 AM
  First off I would LOVE to see a multilayer CO-OP! Talking to a few friends and they like the idea of CO-OP as well.

  [This is all my Opinion]

I would say a MMO style where each person has there own map on a larger world would not work at all. With time controls some people will plan faster than others and now their sector is ahead of the curve giving them an unfair advantage. The only thing you could ever really do would be trade between each other so other than that it would be useless. . .  I also feel that adding a MMO element will destroy or taint the great story.

I base my idea off a multiplayer that revolves around playing with friends and people you know, not some random person you met on steam 3 seconds ago that you want to troll. If I wanted to play with randoms I would pick a different style game.

Me and my friends play DOD: Venice and Civ5 for HOURS! With the way MP works in those games we get 20+ hour games going and its still fun! I'm sure we could achieve the same experience here!

My Idea

  Hosting: Pier to Pier

  • One person would host a game of up to say 4 people. Think DOD: Venice, Civilization, etc. . . There would be no massive web server you need to connect to in order to play. You are all in a lobby doing character things and working WITH the host pick a spot on the world you can all agree on.
    I'm not sure how large the maps can go reliably but maybe be able to choose one large enough to discourage early game meeting if selected. Then you could have a start proximity option like, close, med, far.
    Rejoining an existing MP game should require the same number of people that where originally used to start the game unless someone abandoned their colony. They don't necessarily have to be the same people but as long as one person has the base save and is hosting.

  Time Controls: Slowest selected

  • Keep the current time controls but since everyone is on the same map their time will have to be tied together.
    The time should be tied to the slowest option selected, that would be the safest thing to do and makes the most sense, to me at least. Rarely do I speed up a game when I'm making a calculated decision.
    You have an icon or even just a name of the (up to) 4 players on the map, under their names you show the the speed they have selected so everyone can get on the same page easily.
    Pause can either be treated as the slowest option, or everyone will need to have it selected for it to take effect. Either way I think it would work fine, I could argue both sides for a long time.
    I do not think running the game at a slower locked nonadjustable speed would be a very viable solution and the game would then take forever to do anything and people would get bored waiting.
    Sure there will be times when you are done with your stuff and waiting on your friend, If you find it that unenjoyable maybe stick to single player?

  Colony Building: Separate (option to merge?)

  • When you each land in your pods you are separate colony's with different assets until you select otherwise.
    Not everyone will want to share their resources so having the default as separate colony's would be the safest bet. Now adding an option to combine colony's would be great, but it would be a permanent deal. Now you can share resources, beds, devices, etc.
    Your colonists would still be separate and whoever recruits a person gets to control them.
    Maybe add the ability to transfer control of a colonist, but never should two people be allowed to control the same one.

  • None! I know some people would love to have it and will say let me do what i want! But remember, this is a sci fi colony sim not an RTS, once you dive into the pvp realm you start dealing with the constant whining of people saying this that or the other thing is too OP and needs to be nerfed. The story starts to get washed away because all you can think of is how your going to get a leg up on the other guy. I don't think it would be a good idea and drag the game style down. . .

Like I said, I would absolutely love to see a co-op style play added to the game. I think it would enhance the experience if done right, and I'm sure the community would help point it in a good direction!
General Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourself!
April 13, 2015, 11:35:35 AM
Hi all, A_Deer here!

  I like to listen to YouTube commentary while I work. I was searching for my next "fix" when I happened across RimWorld.

  At first I judged the game too soon, I didn't watch any game play and though eeh, this game looks like crap. Well I was sorely mistaken! This game looks amazingly fun!

  My favorite games of all time to this day, X-Com Apocalypse and Fallout Tactics, in real time mode, none of that turn based crap. This reminds me of both games and looks to go into great detail!

I'm really looking forward to buying it when I get a chance, I'm sure I will sink way too many hours into the game! Just to prove how excited I am about this game, I have been in 4 alphas and this is the first forum I have signed up for!