[Mod Request] Joining Factions

Started by aujax92, August 01, 2017, 01:38:27 PM

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Your colony has just been destroyed.  Everything is in ruin and destitution.  The mangled bodies of your colonists are scattered throughout the halls, ripped apart from the horrors outside.  You and a few other colonist still live among the ashes, living off the meager scraps left behind... but there still is hope.  Just down the road is a thriving colony of friendlies.  You built a solid trading reputation with them in the past... surely they'll let a few vagabonds in...

Sorry if the intro was a bit much, I've been wondering if being able to join another faction/colony would be modable into the game?  There have been enough times where my colony has been burnt to the ground but there's a few survivors.  It would be interesting if you could join another colony if had good relations/small amount of pawns and then gain control of the new colony.


With the most superficial of looks into this, I see Faction.IsPlayer returns this.def.isPlayer where this.def is a FactionDef equal to FactionDef.isPlayer.

Faction.IsPlayer is called by a lot of functions.

It might be possible to alter the FactionDef of the target faction to the FactionDef of the player in order to take over control. I assume there would be side effects. Like, all the other colonies that the faction controls might end up getting instantiated and put under player control (which would probably run like crap).


Hmm... I'll give it a try and report back.


I've never messed with the .cs files in this game, I could try to write one for this... but as mentioned above there is no elegant way to making the town your own...  I guess you could convert the town to your own faction but that's kinda lame.  Might just be better to wait to see if the faction system gets fleshed out a bit more...


Yeah. My thought on this was that maybe a mod could allow a caravan to ask permission to join a town from the world map (if the player's base is abandoned). Acceptance would be based on faction affinity.

Approval would almost certainly require removing the town from the original faction and moving it to the player's faction for control. I think trying to change the faction to be player controllable in a more general way would be problematic. Then modify the player's faction to be largely a copy of the original faction, though I'm not sure what that would entail besides faction affinities. That might simulate what you were looking for.

If more people want to see this, I might play around with it.


This is a very interesting idea. I wonder if it's possible to have have your own "colony" on the same map as another colony. Say, you were a small band of adventurers and you decided to pay an inn keep for a room and loaf around the bar between dungeon runs. So the map would technically have all of your colony stats (ex: your research progress) and the host colony stats (ex: their research progress).


Quote from: The-Eroks on August 09, 2017, 05:46:47 PM
I wonder if it's possible to have have your own "colony" on the same map as another colony. ... So the map would technically have all of your colony stats (ex: your research progress) and the host colony stats (ex: their research progress).

Anything is possible. I suspect that would require a very deep overhaul of fundamental game state information, though. Someone would have to find the reward worth the effort.