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Topics - chappelkebabistan

Mods / Vanilla and Non-Vanilla Suggestions
October 11, 2016, 12:28:36 PM
Vanilla friendly:

Recruitment Changes
Prisoner Brainwashing to gently recruit the prisoner, high chance of becoming a enemy again. (gradually reducing recruitment resistance and also adding data about recruitment possibility chance as well).

Enslavement Brain Chip -(yes wiping memory clean and then having a new recruit/slave), would prefer the slave to be a pawn who essentially behaves like a pet, but probably controversial, and with high risk of surgery going wrong, but lower risk of patient going to original state of being a enemy (unless any mod that enables chip deteriorating). (Resetting also ability stats, apart from physical injuries)

Because you just don't wear any animal bloody (literally and metaphorically) skin.

Tannery makes leather from skin, and also drops gelatine.

As you most likely will use bird c*** for the tanning - drops nitroglycerin.

Used in medicine, medications/pills and food. As there isn't any pork in the game no concerns about kosher or halal.

Gelatine --> Jelly
I know its usually Agar - but if in the future we ever get antibiotic resistance and what not, use it as a growth medium.

Gelatine + Fruit --> Gummi Bears - Because who doesn't like them!?


Shamshir/Scimitar - as space is probably multi-cultural and requires also other styles of weapons.

Damascus Steel & Damascus Swords - because Damascus steel rocks - and it's strong too. Mixture of Steel and wood/Coal. As it's better. in the year 5k at least someone have found the secret again.

Microwaves- as we had them in the year 2k, so they probably still exist in the year 5k.

Non Vanilla Ideas:

Psionic and Psychic Powers (because its the years 5k+) if Mass Effect can have it so must Rim World.

1. People with psychic sensitivities debuff should have psychic powers to balance it out, they find training easier in the matter of the psionic/psychic skills.

2. Psionic Barrier - like a Gungan shield just without the metal bits driven psychic(-ally). (adding another clothes category of psychic shield, but only turned on in people with the ability)

3. Suggestibility Telepathy - a bit like mind reading and brainwashing - if enemy raids - ability of one raider's to go amok against own raiding party, but no recruitment as its temporary. (who knows with some Stockholm syndrome thrown in  :o).. Essentially causing breakdown in enemy.

3. Telekinesis and Telepathy - unsure if this is possible with rimworld atm. probably outside remit of current possibilities or requires alot of coding.

thats it