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Messages - patweb

General Discussion / Unfinished goods.
May 24, 2021, 11:49:19 AM
For some reason my pawns are leaving goods unfinished.  There doesn't seem to be any way to prioritize unfinished goods?  Any ideas.
Building vertically (2-3 level buildings).  Multiplayer (of course).   A way to balance food production automatically to make sure we never run out.  Pawns that notify me that bills can't be produced due to lack of X resource availability.  Human procreation.

Oh and a second on fishing, I was wondering if that was in there somewhere.
General Discussion / Re: Rimworld's confession
May 19, 2021, 08:39:48 PM
I may need to euthanize the General.  He's my lead researcher but has alzhiemers and a bad heart.  Unless he can research a cure in time.
~40 hours so far.  I bought the game in 2018 and tried it, but didn't really 'get in to it' until recently.  It's changed a whole lot!  After spawning about a half dozen worlds and destroying the colonists life I am finally getting a hang of it (I played in permanent mode).