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Messages - Ultratrinitor

Quote from: Mihsan on March 25, 2018, 05:32:33 PM

I want combats to be less clumsy/dull and give more options to player, be more tactical, have more features.

What I would like to change:
- Add "shoot on the move" feature - it alone can revolutionize how combat will feel in this game.
- Add firing modes to pawns (aimed/sniper fire; normal fire; quick fire; area supression). Those modes should affect stats like rate of fire, hit chance, weaken or raise influence of cover on hit chance.
- Add firing modes to weapons (single shots / short bursts / long bursts) where applicable.
- Add behavior modes to pawns ("stay low" - use cover more and fire less; "careless" - use cover less and fire more; "charge!" - switch pawn to aggressive mode, make him walk towards enemy and shoot).
- Add ammo. NOT like physical resource that you need to manage (which is really too much fuss), but as limited magazine sizes after which pawns will have to take reload pauses. Great story moment of "last pirate was reloading and we chaged him then".
- Add inventory system with multiple weapons (like SMG in hands, rocket launcher behind back and knife on the belt) and secondary items/tools (grenades, explosives, bandages, deployable cover...). Also grenades (and pilas) should go away as "weapon with infinite ammo" and be limited use secondary items instead.
- Add formations to AI raids: that thing with "crowd of idiots cassualy walking into killbox" for every raid from wild animals to high-tech future robots should go away. Industrial era enemy should walk as single unit in single formation; it should spread out to limit loses from mortars, mines and machineguns; it should react to ubeatable threats like killbox , retreat and switch to "sapper raid" behavior.
- Also just add more raid types other than "crowd of idiots cassualy walking into killbox".

Also I would like to see armor and weapons settings reworked from scratch. They just dont scratch my "real items with real tactical applications" feel and instead are all more of the same thing with better/worse stats. Power armor is just better body armor; charge rifle is just a bit better assault rifle with less range - this kind of stuff.

There is some slight hint on that SMG is somewhat better in close range and more agile, but it is weak hint. There is a hint that minigun/LMG is good against covered enemy, but it is weak hint. Weak hint that (on paper) some armor/clothes are better against bullets and others against blunt weapons. Weak hint that some equipment makes pawns slower. But all those hints are ignorable weak and almost unnoticeable when it comes to real use. These differences should be directly strengthened and expanded with additional features.
Run and shot is already arround there, the 2n point is good, but I thing this is more like Combat Extended mod and changes a lot the game.. I'm also an X-Com fan but here I think it will be tedious and will slow the game
Translations / Re: Official: Spanish
March 24, 2018, 08:22:41 PM
Quote from: Snowy86 on January 07, 2018, 10:26:20 AM
¿Hay alguien a cargo de la traducción a español de España? El ticket que abrí en github lleva más de un mes y nadie ha dicho nada :S.
me gustaría unirme al equipo pero no tengo ni idea de por donde empezar
Do you know when a pawn is doing a job, and suddenly stops and leave to another place to do another job without finish the first.. I hate this, It happens to me in real life and I thing it's about focus.. First my question: is it ruled in some trait? if not why? is something like focus skills in vanilla core? is there some mod which can do that?  If not.. WHY? (I can understand you need to piss when you are farming, but please, continue what you were doing, dont start a parca)