bears in the winter

Started by panofduluth, April 24, 2016, 05:00:21 AM

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bears where i live go into a torpor or hibernate in the winter. why do bears on rim worlds seem to flock in during the winter? there are usually to many that there is no food source but my lovely people. you go into detail to have things like wood decay but steel doesn't. i dont see why we cant have better animal spawn patterns or such. deer and hare should still be common in winter not bears. also depends on location of course.


I gotta be honest here, I love the new predator animals. How they inch closer and closer to your colony as they start to wear out prey. It feels very natural when they attack, a sort of mini-event that's randomly caused by anything from over-hunting to low animal spawns to harsh weather conditions. I know bears hibernate in the winter, but this is also space, the future and a season lasts 14 days. With a natural cycle that's so quick bears probably wouldn't need to hibernate at all. Earth bears only hibernate because it's unrealistic for them to find enough food during the long winters.


Polar bears don't hibernate. Grizzly bears do.

Also, it's strange that mufallos, adapted to cold biomes, leave because they can't find food. In Rimworld all plants die in winter. In real world, there's still grass and young trees under the snow, and animals know how to find them.


 i also enjoy the semi aggro animals and maybe its cause i am handicapped right now with only my left hand to use so doing things fast don't work. but yesterday while playing on free build i had 2 hordes of bears all going aggro every few minutes and most colonists get wrecked mine do any way. which in other seasons the OCCASIONAL aggro bear is not bad but when i have to deal with aggro bears CONSTANTLY on easy mode then there is something wrong. or maybe i just suck at the game. there is no reason i should lose a colonist every time 1 of 10 bears on the map goes aggro. right now bears and infestations are wrecking me i have no choice but to reload when either happen. i'm ok with a loss here and there but there is no reason they should be so OP. also i know its not vanilla but i play on max map size which probably don't help the bear count. there could still be bears in winter why not but there should also be deer and hare do you think that is really unreasonable? atleast deer and hare actually do wonder in the winter as opposed to ONLY bears

Edit: yes muffalo seem like something that should stick around in winter as well

well do you not think if all herbivores left because of lack of food it would make sense bears left do to lack it don't make sense at all to have bears only in winter when there is no meal source for them. which is the reason these deer and hare leave for winter right? no meal source.

also these bears i speak of do not inch closer and closer. there are literally a few packs of 3 on the edge of the map just sitting there until starved at which point they track my colonists down and wreck them every single time. bears should not spawn in just to go hungry. and if bears spawn in just to go hungry why not deer and hare?