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Messages - Youhaveavirus

Hey, fan update to 1.1, will be removed as soon as possible, if kilroy232 comes back or messages me.
Standalone: see attachments
Quote from: sefin_88 on July 31, 2016, 08:44:53 AM
I dont know if this is working as intended but the Extended storage *half works*.  When I say that I mean 50 food items stack on one side of the tray but not on the other.  The same goes for the pallets, food basket, skiff and fabric hamper (havent tested the others yet.)  While its still a vast improvement over vanilla storage rooms.  Im not sure if its the way its designed to be.  Here is a picture of the food and basket storage.

Quick fix: Only allow one item per wooden food basket.
Nice work, awesome mod.
Could you please add a version number to your thread name or download links?
So the people can easily check if their mod is up to date?

For example:
[A13] Scheduled Caravans with Supply & Demand [v.13.01]

Up to date:
Link Name [v.13.01]

Link Name [v.13.00]
Link Name [v.12.99] 
Quote from: Justas love on May 15, 2016, 06:12:56 AM
Do i need to make a new colony because of the new skill?

1. Save the game.
2. Add the Mod.
3. Load the game.
4. Test if it works.
5. If it fails delete the mod and load the save.

Also use the developer console to see if you get an error. --> Options --> Activate Development Mode