A18 - mission reward pod crashes into base, everything burns down (bug ar WAD?)

Started by georgegodhaj, November 01, 2017, 07:23:42 PM

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Hi, first "mission" i completed in my vanilla A18 mod was destroying pirate outpost. Reward was orbital beam targeter, which crashed right into my storage area, through roof, on top of 1600 units of chemfuel. Since i had no firefoam charges, game over. There was no wood inside, but a lot of cloth and skins, also 1500 degrees isnt really healthy for pawns trying to fight fire.

My question is if this is intentional, bcs every time i got send wares from orbital traders, they arived in pods outside of my buildings.


Sounds awesome.

I can confirm similar issue, not as bad though. I just a normal drop pod event crash through the roof into my main room at base, but for me it was better it was food dropped off right near the cooking station i just had to repair the roof.


i think that pod crash event doesnt care where it crashes - same with ship chunks, i got one through roof today. my problem is that this was reward sent from another faction and it should land outside


Had the same. Reward for clearing pirate base.
Droppod right into my ammo depot (playing with combat extended), causing bullets to fly everywhere, killing my pet boomalope (not an improvement to the situation) and shattering the shin of my cook.