Low FPS on Fresh Vanilla Install on New Save

Started by hypercell, December 16, 2021, 09:26:13 AM

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Hey everyone! With a bit of extra free time, I've decided to get back into RimWorld. After loading up the game, ready to play, I was met with...15 FPS?? First I tried what anyone would do, restart the game...nothing. I reinstalled the latest graphics driver for my card...nothing. Finally, I uninstalled RimWorld (removing the config folder, and anything else not removed by steam) and reinstalled through steam. I then launched the game completely vanilla and started up a new game. As soon as the game loaded it ran at around...15 FPS. I tried playing some other, more graphically-intensive games with no issue, but this issue with RimWorld is still present. Anything y'all can suggest to help would be greatly appreciated! (I've attached the latest Player.log to this post)


from the logfile anything is fine and no problems shown up.

So i think it is a hardware/windows/driver/settings thing.
Not sure what resolution you use, but when you use 4k you should try a lower one.
That is the only thing that comes in mind, maybe someone else got some ideas.


I thought so too, which is why i did a clean graphics driver install and updated other drivers & windows). I'm running @ 1080p, which with the hardware I have shouldn't be an issue for rimworld, especially considering I've played the game before with no problems. Maybe it's something else driver/hardware related, but I'm not sure what else to check...thanks for the suggestion tho!