Restart a scenario

Started by diegueras11, August 14, 2016, 10:56:26 AM

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Hello guys, I have a question. I have a good world generation but i want to restart this map like you arrive at the scenario. Are there any option to do this? In the dev mode? Ty.

The scenario:]


I'm a noob, but can't you find the seed and coordinates somewhere in the info? Just write that down and use it when starting a new world



If i cant remake the map, can i put marble in the old constructions? For "regenerate" the map manually.


We can figure out the seed for you. Just be aware that you can't build a new colony "on top" of another one. It has to be deleted, but not before you upload it! Here's what to do:
1. Upload your save game (if you use 7zip to compress it into a .7z file it may fit here, otherwise upload it to Google drive / one drive / drop box /whatever)
2. We'll lookup the starting seed and post it
3. Delete the old colony
4. Start a new one with the same scenario
5. Profit! :)


Too much thanks but now i have a better map :D. I have learned tu put the marble on the map qith the Dev Mode. Ty for all!


If you're feeling adventurous, you can find the seed & coords yourself pretty easily.

  • Open up the save file in a text editor (there's a button in RimWorld's menu somewhere to open the save file location)
  • Look for seedString (press CTRL + F in most text editors) to get your starting seed
  • To find your landing coords, look for <def>PlayerColony</def> and read the homeSquare coords entry
  • Profit!