A re-minted newbie.. various general questions (which might lead to suggestions)

Started by nmid, May 18, 2015, 02:26:37 PM

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When I play a game, I generally have a notepad txt file with my suggestions, questions and feedback. Ofcourse, I rarely get around to posting them as I don't know how useful they will be.
(Endless Space for one, Banished for another.. anyway).

This time, I'll just post it on the forums here.. hoping to get some answers as well as hopefully find a better way to do something that's bugging me.

I am using - [MODPACK] (Alpha 10) Ultimate Overhaul Modpack Complete (Perfected 18/05/15)
& am on Alpha 0.10.785.
0. (Probably mod pack related, asked on that thread too.. - How do I change the hotkey for the architect tab away from right click. At the moment, I am unable to clear messages using the regular way of right clicking the message).

1. How do I know what food is best? Potato/strawberry nutrition details should be detailed in the selection tab? (edit - i.e. the information tab would be helpful here.)

2. How do I hotkey the information button?
(I want to see the detailed info about the floors, before I build them. As it's shown based on the hover button, the moment I remove my mouse from the floor and move towards the "i" button, the floor tab along with the "i" button vanishes.)

Will add more questions here as I keep playing.
Thanks in advance to anyone who answers and helps me out.

I like how this game can result in quotes that would be quite unnerving when said in public, out of context. StorymasterQ


1. Food all have their different variations including time to grow and nutritional value. Strawberries and potatoes grow fast but can be destroyed by blights. Rice grows faster and can also be eaten raw. Crops grow slowest but make up for it by yielding more food and they are not influenced by blight

2. Before moving away from the object simply select it by left clicking and then the information panel will stay.


1. Thanks Skissor.. the info jogged some memory cells from my last play around in mid 2014.
Back then, I recall I dug in the xml files and had researched the info.. but with the new update and new concepts, wasn't sure.
Having that as a pop-up / infomation tab ingame itself can be quite convenient.

2. Now that's what I was looking for.. Thanks!

ps - any idea on how to remove messages if you are using the complete overhaul modpack?
I like how this game can result in quotes that would be quite unnerving when said in public, out of context. StorymasterQ


3. Various floors should have differential move speed (apart from the current beauty and build/work cost).

4. How does the seed map world (where you can see the colonies) work?
I can create as many colonies on it, as I want... so can my colonies interact with each other? Is that planned in the future?
I like how this game can result in quotes that would be quite unnerving when said in public, out of context. StorymasterQ


Quote from: nmid on May 19, 2015, 10:07:40 AM
3. Various floors should have differential move speed (apart from the current beauty and build/work cost).

If you're not mod averse, Fast Floor mod will do that  ;)

Edit : Here's the link ==> https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=7097.0


Thanks Kaptain_Kavern.. That's what I was looking for.

Going to spend some time tonight putting all the interesting mods together and then starting a new colony.
I like how this game can result in quotes that would be quite unnerving when said in public, out of context. StorymasterQ


5. Game Suggestion - Long clicking on counters should increase (instead of clicking one by one)(eg in the bill counter, to add or decrease qty).

6. Game Suggestion - The debug screen should mention which XML an error originates in.

7. Game Suggestion - Allow shifting of crafting tables, furniture?

8. Game Mod handing query - Simply updating the .dll won't work? I am still a bit hazy on how mod changes are applied to an existing world.
Are any changes in a mod accepted in a running world? ( between .dll changes or .xml value changes).
Does this mean that a generated world file have all the mod values saved? Seems unlikely as the C:\Users\#\AppData\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld\Worlds\###.rww file is only about 50-100kb.

9. Possible mod/game bug? - SCA Mod - Wood torch expiration timer refreshes everytime to 2 days,15 hours when a game is reloaded from a save file. Possibly related to the SCA mod?

10. Game suggestion -  Allow us to heal scratch scars so there is no pain. The scar can remain.
[MODPACK] (Alpha 10) Ultimate Overhaul - 11,12,13

11. Mod? - generator hopper can use electronics as fuel?
Solved with new modpack update.
12. Mod? - Cotton plants give cloth directly. I can't get raw cotton. I have a loom built, but no one operating it.
13. Mod? - How do I make synthread when I don't have raw cotton.. ?

ED plants 24hours was causing the problem.
I like how this game can result in quotes that would be quite unnerving when said in public, out of context. StorymasterQ


14. Have a search bar for quicker selection(enable/disable) of item classes in stockpiles etc.
I like how this game can result in quotes that would be quite unnerving when said in public, out of context. StorymasterQ


15. Change the texture of rich soil so it's more easily distinguishable than normal Soil..
or enable an easier "snap-to" of growing zones to rich soil.
I like how this game can result in quotes that would be quite unnerving when said in public, out of context. StorymasterQ


16. Game suggestion - When miners finish mining, or woodcuters or harvesters, they should haul back the stuff..

17. Mod/Game suggestion - We should be able to see which prod tables require power before constructing. (Description text or info showing final power usage).

18. Overhaul mod Pack - The research should be more clear in what they open up. Currently it's too convoluted and the description tags in the various xmls need updating for an easier introduction to new players.

19. Game Suggestion - Game save files should show date of colony?

20. Mod Question (Overhaul pack / Weeds / Farming mods) - What's the point of 100%+ nutrition? (Special foods... watermelon, weeds etc). Anything more than 100% is of no use, right? Unless their are hidden recipes which I still have to research, figure out.
I like how this game can result in quotes that would be quite unnerving when said in public, out of context. StorymasterQ


21. Game Suggestion - When you click on any item, (like stockpile - storage, or colonists - gear, char, needs, health) ... those tabs should be selectable using f1-f4 or something equally easy.. say 1-9.
(If you want to use 1-9 for it's regular reason, then press esc and come out of the selection?)
I like how this game can result in quotes that would be quite unnerving when said in public, out of context. StorymasterQ


22. Game Suggestion - Crafters / Bills should have an option of
> take to closest stockpile
as well.

This will let them take the manufactured produce to the closest stockpile (instead of the best) (or instead of dropping it on the floor, which makes movement slower, messy to look at).
As as when a hauler gets free, he will shift it from the "factory finished goods stockpile - normal" to "wherever it's reqd - Important/preferred/critical"
I like how this game can result in quotes that would be quite unnerving when said in public, out of context. StorymasterQ


23. Game Suggestion
Click on a stockpile and have an easy option of inc/dec the priority of it using key+-?
I like how this game can result in quotes that would be quite unnerving when said in public, out of context. StorymasterQ


As my earlier posts indicate .. I prefer having the option of using the keyboard to do basic stuff, instead of constantly moving to the mouse / keyboard.
For eg
24. Game Suggestion
When you rename a stockpile (hotkey b, nice!), have the original name preselected so if I type anything it overwrites the original name.
If I don't want to overwrite, I should be able to use the mouse cursor to select the position where I want to insert characters or use shift+arrow keys to move the keyboard input cursor.. just like in normal windows explorer.

After I'm done typing a new name, allow the use of Enter key to accept the changes.

This might be a small change, but for an MM freak who likes to name all his stockpiles, this change will save me from a lot of RSI inducing action(s).
I like how this game can result in quotes that would be quite unnerving when said in public, out of context. StorymasterQ