Turning xerigium into herbal medicine

Started by naxili, December 10, 2014, 07:10:55 PM

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Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


Ahh.... the herbs are literally the medicine. Clearly I am too city for such knowledge


Nice necro...
Afaik, cannabis is mostly used to treat symptoms (such as pain) instead of the actual causes. Because in those cases often there is no reliable and safe way to treat the cause and as such cannabis is used to remedy the situation (i.e. chemo therapy for cancer is very destructive to your body otherwise as well).
Pain - yes you will be clouded and it is like a light anaesthetic. In the game smokeleaf already reduces pain.
Bone injuries - Never heard about cannabis doing anything for it. I suppose it would also just act as pain relief here.
Eating disorder - Many cannabis strains make you more hungry (which is also modeled in the game) and as such it certainly can help with that, though anorexia is not a condition in the game.
Panic attacks - Again, as it acts as an anaesthetic you are more relaxed (though just as with most drugs there can be bad trips and your heart rate may increase drastically instead).
Inflammation and cancer - While there are indicators that it might do something there, I don't think there are enough reliable studies to actually prove a causation here. Though I assume with the lessened restrictions on cannabis worldwide we will get more insight on that in the next years. It certainly is not a "cure all" medication and I think many of its medical benefits are associated with you simply feeling better, similar to how the placebo effect sometimes result in objectively better health.