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Messages - poketama

Hi there I was looking at doing the same mod and someone linked me to you.

I was looking into image filtering to change the pixels into the original smooth style of Rimworld.

First of all I used this:
This is an old project although there are some forks on google I believe.

Here on this blog is a further examination of newer filtering processes. Although the old ones namely xBR work quite well.

And then using this videos technique, you can quickly add a thick border around it to match Rimworld's style. Potentially you could do this with a whole spritesheet at once, or automate it through scripting.

Now for suggestions I'd like to have added as pets the pug, cat, bird, spacebee (from goon) and MONKEY (with diaper). Enemy factions would include clowns, wizards and cluwnes, (someone has already made a magic mod you could integrate), Nuke ops who attempt to plant a bomb and leave, syndicates and changelings who initially appear as friendlies.

I would also like to see xenomorphs (I'm sure there's another mod you could integrate that already has them), slimes, borgs, the monsters you find while mining, killer tomatoes and mechs.

I may be able to help you with some of this stuff as I have started learning Rimworld modding. Also please release to Steam workshop on A15!!

Here is my Steam profile, please shoot me a message. :)