Beauty related Traits

Started by erdrik, March 03, 2015, 01:43:19 AM

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"Likes Rustic Housing":
Gains reduced beauty benefits from rooms or objects not made with wood or stone, but gains double the benefits if they are.

"Likes Modern Housing":
Gains reduced beauty benefits from rooms or objects not made with stone or steel, but gains double the benefits if they are.

"Spacer Born":
Gains reduced beauty benefits from rooms or objects not made with steel or plasteel, but gains double the benefits if they are.

... and other such traits that tweek how colonists react to beauty and the various material types that can be used in construction, crafting, cooking, ect.

It could be a cool way to encourage making customized rooms for each colonist.


This is an excellent idea!

It might take some time to implement though.
Using beauty more often in personality traits has potential.

Has reduced beauty effects, both positive and negative.

What would a reversed beauty sensibilty be called?


"Utility Minded"
Believes that decorations are pointless and a waste of resources.
- happiness for decorations
+ happiness for turrets
Yes another god damn youtuber.


Also colonist could have a beauty rating, better quaility clothes would enhance,  permanent scars/injuries, flayed/low quality clothes decrease it. Like a moving sculpture. Nude colonist has his/her natural beauty number doubled for tye opposite and halved for for the same gender (or if they are homosexuals the other way around).
Some colonists come with the trait of beautiful, or ugly giving their beauty number a large buff/debuff.