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Messages - Draconicrose

I've done a short video with some of the tips I feel new players should know, and some that even people who have been playing for a while sometimes miss. Give it a watch, let me know what you think and what other tips you think people should know.

Watch Now:
1. Animals are only useful in a melee-heavy environment or to throw as fodder to soften up enemies. Especially useful for tribals.

2. Friendly-fire and the fact that I can't direct them to attack a specific target. This should be an option on the handler. Animal handlers IRL can tell their dogs or whatever who to attack.

3. I send them out with hunter colonists for protection, and used them extensively in my tribal run, making sure to keep bonds to a minimum.
Video / B18: Modded, Temperate Swamp, Cassandra Intense
November 23, 2017, 10:57:34 AM
Hello fellow Rimworld fans! I've just started a modded playthrough of Beta 18 on my channel. I'm checking out one of the new biomes, the temperate swamp, and aiming to go check out as many of the new events as I can.

Watch here, on the playlist, starting on episode 1.
General Discussion / Re: Targeted for recruiting?
August 22, 2017, 08:45:29 PM
Well, yes this would be a good quality of life change (of course it could be mostly percentage based so you're not guaranteed a recruit), but there's a way to influence this in game, which is to use blunt weapons (maces and clubs). Blunt weapons don't damage pawn parts as much but they do cause a LOT of pain. Pain is what causes pawns to enter downed state (or getting low consciousness or not having both legs...) in combat, usually. So you want to cause as much pain as possible without killing them. Thus, blunt weapons. Of course, this puts your own pawns in risk, but that's a cost/benefit analysis you have to make.
Yup, I agree with all of these nitpicks except the meat chunks and the ascetics, though mine prefer simple meals/pemmican to raw food. Especially the crate icon. I have no clue what the little protuberance is supposed to be.
Ideas / Re: More socializing variation
August 06, 2017, 06:29:51 PM
They would be basically just flavor texts for the same thing, but if you don't mind running modded Psychology does this.
Ideas / Re: QoL: Draggable Bills
August 06, 2017, 06:27:51 PM
Yes. Please. Pleeeeeeeeeeease.
Ideas / Re: More dumb work
August 06, 2017, 06:27:06 PM
Those are already part of Cleaning and Plant Cutting.
Yes, this would be such a quality of life addition.
Ideas / New hostile behavior: attack at range.
August 03, 2017, 12:38:19 PM
Currently, pawns can be set to flee, attack, or ignore hostiles, defaulting to flee. I think flee and attack should be combined into a new one, where the pawn will try to get range on the target before attacking.

The way I envision this not being overpowered is that the pawn wouldn't do so with any sort of intelligence. Just pick a direction away from the target, try to keep a few tiles of distance (like...6-10?) and shoot. That way, pawns would either be faster and thus get distance o shoot, or just not get caught in melee unless the attacker is faster than them.

One advantage this would have for players is the buffer of flee while keeping the pawn close enough for the player to effectively take control and manage in a more intelligent way. Maybe get a few potshots is. It would also make throwaway weapons like the chain shotgun and the pistol more broadly useful.
Ideas / Re: More/better positive events
August 02, 2017, 09:24:05 PM
The only events that can save a colony are drop pods (with food when you're starving for example) and psychic soothes when the colony is in a death spiral. Meanwhile, both these events can actually be pretty useless in the same situations if they're not the right variety.

We definitely need more well-thought-out positive events.
I honestly wish this warning would disappear. I have a mod that adds bonuses and penalties for bright and dark environments. What do you know, Rimworld thinks my trader is sick. Yay I do love clicking useless dialogues.
Looks like the in-game pemmican needs a new graphic then. :D
The other day I had an electric stove break down. Pawns repaired it after I scrambled around a few days trying to get components. Not ten seconds later, it broke down again.

Yes, things break down too often in this game.
Ideas / Re: Rescuing Enemy Prisoners
July 22, 2017, 06:31:54 PM
This would be a really cool idea! I would especially love being able to rescue my colonists. Imagine getting to the enemy base and suddenly having control of them back. The rescuers could be attacking the enemy while the captured colonists do their best to smack down a cell door or wall and start trouble from within!