Alpha 3 bugs

Started by George_Rogers, April 11, 2014, 01:13:12 PM

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I downloaded the Alpha 3 version of Rimworld and have already encountered some bugs.
There are four major bugs that make the game near unplayable, the first is when I tried to make a large world (300x300) all the colors started to bug out, not just wrong colors for the different objects, but the whole screen turned yellow, purple and green.
The second bug was that the day and night cycle had been shortened to at least three secounds each, even on slow game-speed.
The third was that all the plants disapeared. There was no grass, cacti or bushes.
The last bug involved colonists not being able to plant crops, the colonist just sat there and tried to plant a potato plant over and over and the plant just vanished every time he tried to plant it. 


The first one is fixed, I'll put out a build in the next day or two. In the meantime, just start your large map without first starting a smaller map (restarting the game after closing a smaller map if you need to).

As for the others, that's worrying. Can you zip and post a savegame where these are happening? Or write repro steps?
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog